• Profile picture of Oli
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    Oli and Profile picture of llUNKNOWNllllUNKNOWNll are now friends 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Oli
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    Oli and Profile picture of Excellent ListenerExcellent Listener are now friends 7 months, 3 weeks ago

  • Profile picture of Hayden
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    Hayden posted an update 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    I had to say goodbye to my best friend today. Our dog who has been in congestive heart failure was euthanized in the comfort of his home today. It was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make and although I keep feeling the waves of guilt and regret, I know that it was time. He left this earth peacefully, and I am left distraught at the…[Read more]

    Mood : Depressed
    • I’m so sorry for your loss @devilndisguise, do remember all the happy moments you were able to spend with your much loved pet, my awesome friend Hayden, all the times you played together, went on walks together and spent time cuddling with each other, focus on all the good times you had with him Hayden, be strong buddy, you will make it through…[Read more]

    • I’m so sorry for your loss, truly. I know what it’s like, especially with a pet who was your legit best friend and savior on so many levels. It’s so hard to be a caring pet owner because we have to let them go much sooner than we wish. Having a heart sucks sometimes, but I know there’s peace of mind knowing he’s at peace, not suffering, and…[Read more]

    • Such a loss is heartbreaking, I’m really sorry Hayden. I can’t imagine the pain you are going through. Know that he lived his best life by your side, being truly loved and cared. And also as important, you were by his side giving him comfort when he needed you most. I know there’s very little than I can say to ease your pain, but if you need…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Oli
    QA Reputation

    Oli posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    My life holds absolutely no meaning and no purpose, I’m 32, no friends, no social life, no romantic relationship, no goals, hopes, dreams or aspirations, no hobbies or interests, nothing in my depressing life, I’m so shy, awkward, introverted, lonely and alone, I wish I knew how to communicate with people, how to talk, socialise and build…[Read more]

    Mood : Depressed
    • Oli, I can tell you, without a trace of doubt, that you are not any of that things. You are generous, kind hearted, selfless, wise, positive, honest, respectful, righteous, empathetic… You have so many virtues. It’s difficult to see them when the mind makes all the efforts to let you see just the bad side. But me, and everyone in BT, are here…[Read more]

    • @Oliver – Your life holds no meaning? Oh, Oli! I don’t know much about what’s going on outside of here in your personal life, but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we see none of these faults in you.

      Your life has so much meaning to it. You have dedicated at LEAST a decade of your life logging on here and offering your kind,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Hayden
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    QA Reputation

    Hayden posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    Making an effort to be more active here. I will try to check in periodically. Although there aren’t many people around nowadays, I’m glad to see the spam isn’t around like it was years ago.

    Work is closed due to the holiday, so I’ve been relaxing with the cat and doing some writing. Yup, still writing after all this time! Nothing published…[Read more]

    Mood : Peaceful
    • Great to see you feeling peaceful and keeping yourself busy @devilndisguise, it’s sad to see the spam here on BT and how quiet this place has become, but hopefully one day, this site will return to being active and filled with kind people helping each other, I’m sure you will write something wonderful, inspiring and insightful, my awesome buddy…[Read more]

    • It’s so nice to have you back Hayden! As you said, there’s no more spam nowasays, thanks to the site moderators. Glad to hear that you can enjoy some time off work doing things that make you happy! Hoping that you are having a great day too Hayden :)

  • Profile picture of Hayden
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    Hayden posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    There have been some positives, though!

    My identity is something that I’ve always struggled with. I consider myself gender-fluid nowadays. Any and all pronouns welcome. I’m more comfortable with myself and have found a style that works for me depending on how I’m feeling any given day.

    I’m also working my dream job. I’m not certified yet,…[Read more]

    • It’s good to see you are in a more comfortable and happier place mentally, emotionally and physically @devilndisguise, always be kind to yourself and focus on making each day as bright as possible, my awesome friend Hayden, be proud of who you are Hayden and keep smiling, it’s so sweet to see that you are engaged to your fiancée/wife, hope your…[Read more]

    • I am so proud of your growth. Oh my word and CONGRATS on your engagement!!! WHOOO

    • Thank you so much, guys! <3

  • Profile picture of Hayden
    Common Friend
    QA Reputation

    Hayden posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    It’s been nearly 3 years, guys! Holy hell!

    My last post hit me like a wall of bricks when I went to see what I’d last vented about. My father had been caught cheating on my mother. That was a year of utter HELL.

    Some life updates. My father, who I had a pretty strained relationship with, passed away almost 2 years ago due to a massive stroke.…[Read more]

    • It’s great to see you back on BT, my awesome friend @devilndisguise, I’m so sorry about the various losses that have happened in the past few years to you Hayden, even if you didn’t have a good relationship with some of your family members, try to remember all the good and happy moments you spent with them if you can, I do hope you are in a more…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Oli
    QA Reputation

    Oli posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    It’s all so hopeless. :(

    Mood : Depressed
  • Profile picture of Oli
    QA Reputation

    Oli posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    I just want to give up. :(

    Mood : Depressed
  • Profile picture of Oli
    QA Reputation

    Oli posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    I’m so sad, things never work out for me, they always end up going badly no matter how hard I try. :(

    Mood : Depressed
    • I’m so sorry Oli, please don’t let a few bumps in the road discourage you from living up to your full potential. Unfortunately life sucks a lot – but you have endless support from us here – we all genuinely care about you and know that you will succeed in life and things will look up for you. Have the faith we all have in you – but it’s OK to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gleb
    Familiar Face
    QA Reputation

    Gleb changed their profile picture 1 year, 2 months ago

  • Profile picture of Gleb
    Familiar Face
    QA Reputation

    Gleb posted an update 1 year, 2 months ago

    Why does the chat disconnect so often? Ugh

    • Hope the chat has managed to re-connect for you @gleb, please know I’m always here if you ever need to talk about anything Gleb, I want the best for you Gleb so feel free to open up to me about anything that is on your mind, feel free to inbox me anytime if you need to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • Thanks, @Oli :)

  • Profile picture of Gleb
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    QA Reputation

    Gleb posted an update 1 year, 2 months ago

    I am afraid to go to work tomorrow. I started a course on Thursday this week. And as long as I remember, at every new place I’ve had terrible panic attacks. I use calming techniques and even bring some herb based calming pills with me but they all stop working at some point. And it’s overwhelming .

    • I would try to find other ways to relax, calm and put your mind at ease @gleb, take deep breathes, listen to calm sounds or music, meditate and use mindfulness, try to stay focused on all the positives of being on the course and starting a new job Gleb, remember to always believe in yourself and know you will achieve all your goals, dreams and…[Read more]

    • Thanks a lot, @Oli. :) It means a lot. In the end I got the sack, so it’s back to the old job hunt, I guess. For now my private lessons should suffice, at least for the time being. How are you doing, @Oli?

    • I do hope your job search and lessons go well @gleb, remember to stay positive and keep smiling Gleb, I’m sure you will find the correct job and career path for yourself, I’m surviving Gleb, just taking one day at a time, keep being awesome and wonderful Gleb because you deserve all the happiness that life has to offer, feel free to inbox me…[Read more]

    • -hugs- thanks, @Oli. :) I suppose one day at a time is the best way to go.

  • Profile picture of Oli
    QA Reputation

    Oli posted an update 1 year, 4 months ago

    I’m so lonely, alone and sad, it’s hopeless for me :(

    Mood : Depressed
    • Oli you are a fantastic friend, who is caring, generous, helpful, warm hearted and sincere. It’s very difficult to deal with these feelings, even more during this cold season. Remember that I’m here for you if you need it my friend. You’ve done, and are still doing, so much for every member of the BT community, and you can count on us too to help…[Read more]

    • I second this!

  • Profile picture of Oli
    QA Reputation

    Oli posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago

    I feel so lonely and alone :(

    Mood : Depressed
    • Oli, you’re an amazing person. You have many friends and contacts here in BT. I don’t know about your personal life beyond the screen, but try to spend some time with your family and friends in your place of living.
      And please be gentle with yourself. It’s winter and with winter many people are prone towards sadness and depression. What works…[Read more]

    • Oli, you’re an amazing person. You have many friends and contacts here in BT. I don’t know about your personal life beyond the screen, but try to spend some time with your family and friends in your place of living.
      And please be gentle with yourself. It’s winter and with winter many people are prone towards sadness and depression. What works…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Gleb
    Familiar Face
    QA Reputation

    Gleb posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago

    I’m invited to an interview in another city for the role of chief operations manager (COM). The company deals with organizing excursions and trips to children on the spectrum and their parents on the weekends.
    Now the thing is that these kids visit some kind of centre that works on weekends only and once in a while I’ll be asked to visit those…[Read more]

    • I would talk to the company boss or whoever will be interviewing you @gleb, let them know that you don’t feel comfortable with certain aspects of the job and see if they can accommodate or make changes to the role, I’m sure no matter what happens, you will find a job that suits you, that benefits you and brings you a sense of purpose and…[Read more]

    • Thanks so much, Oli. :) In the end they stopped replying at all. Their loss overall.

  • Profile picture of Gleb
    Familiar Face
    QA Reputation

    Gleb posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    Hey guys, I’m back. It has been a long time since I logged in. Missed you all. Also graduated from uni with a B.A. in Hospitality and Tourism Management.

    • It’s so great to see you back on BT @gleb, hope you are OK Gleb and everything is going well in your life, I’m so proud of you Gleb, it’s wonderful to see that you graduated university, remember to stay positive, go forward with confidence, optimism and know you will make all your dreams, goals and aspirations come true Gleb, please know I’ll…[Read more]

    • Thank you so much, Oli. I’m glad to hear from you! Also why aren’t there any ”like” or ”thumbs up” buttons here?

    • Don’t really know why there are no like or thumbs up buttons @gleb, I guess the moderators took them out but hopefully they will be back, hope you are OK Gleb, remember to keep smiling and always be the fantastic person that you are, feel free to inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • Welcome back Gleb! Congratulations on your uni degree :D . I hope you are having a nice day so far. Take care and stay strong @gleb. If you need to talk, my inbox is open :)

  • Profile picture of Oli
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    Oli posted an update 1 year, 8 months ago

    I’m a failure and a loser :(

    Mood : Depressed
  • Profile picture of Oli
    QA Reputation

    Oli posted an update 1 year, 8 months ago

    I’m so lonely, friendless, alone, sad and depressed, it’s hopeless and so truly terrifying, what’s going to happen to me or become of me?, I’m just pathetic, a loser, a recluse and hermit, life is just so meaningless and pointless :(

    Mood : Depressed
  • Profile picture of Oli
    QA Reputation

    Oli posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago

    I’m so lonely, depressed, alone and friendless :( , it’s hopeless for me and always will be. :(

    Mood : Depressed
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