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Convenient & Affordable Online Counseling

Get 24/7 access to chat, text, or call a licensed, professional therapist online.

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How it Works


Take a Questionnaire

Fill out a questionnaire to help us assess your needs and get matched to a BetterHelp counselor.

Register & Be Matched

We will then assess your information and match you with one of our 30,000 licensed therapists. (You can request a different counselor at any time)

chat sessions

Contact Your Therapist

For as low as $60/week, speak with your therapist when you need to by anytime messaging PLUS weekly audio or video sessions.

Therapy When You Need It

Message your therapist

anytime from anywhere. No scheduling needed.

Schedule a live session

at a time that’s convenient for you. Connect from your phone, tablet, or computer.

therapist FaceTime session


If you are a Licensed Therapist that would like to offer your services through the BetterHelp platform, click here for recruitment.