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    Hayden posted an update 9 months, 4 weeks ago

    There have been some positives, though!

    My identity is something that I’ve always struggled with. I consider myself gender-fluid nowadays. Any and all pronouns welcome. I’m more comfortable with myself and have found a style that works for me depending on how I’m feeling any given day.

    I’m also working my dream job. I’m not certified yet, but I’m working as a tech at an animal hospital and learning on the job. I’d eventually like to go through schooling to get my certification, but for now I’m comfortable with where I’m at.

    And lastly… GUYS, I’M ENGAGED! I proposed to the love of my life almost a year ago, on our 5th anniversary. She’s beautiful and amazing and everything and more than I could’ve ever hoped for. I feel like the luckiest human alive every day I get to wake up next to her. Talking about her here kind of blows my mind, considering I joined this website nearly 10 years ago due to a lot of mental health issues I had that were all related to my toxic and abusive ex.

    I still have my bad days. My mental health isn’t perfect. Hell, my life isn’t perfect and I take a lot of punches. But being on here and looking at my history, I’m proud to say I’m way better than I used to be and I’m glad I never gave into any of my dark urges.

    I have everyone here to thank. I see some familiar faces that are still active every so often and it warms my heart. I don’t know when the next time I’ll log back in, but it’s good to see you guys after all these years.

    ~ Hayden

    • It’s good to see you are in a more comfortable and happier place mentally, emotionally and physically @devilndisguise, always be kind to yourself and focus on making each day as bright as possible, my awesome friend Hayden, be proud of who you are Hayden and keep smiling, it’s so sweet to see that you are engaged to your fiancée/wife, hope your relationship continues going strong for years to come Hayden and I’m 100% sure you will be successful in your job and career, work hard but remember to take time to relax and rest when you need too, keep going forward with optimism Hayden and always believe in yourself, I’m so proud of you, my fantastic buddy, please know I’ll always be here for you Hayden, feel free to inbox me anytime if you ever need to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • I am so proud of your growth. Oh my word and CONGRATS on your engagement!!! WHOOO

    • Thank you so much, guys! <3