• Profile picture of HelplessAndHelpful1996
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    HelplessAndHelpful1996 posted an update 3 weeks, 4 days ago

    “You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching,
    Love like you’ll never be hurt,
    Sing like there’s nobody listening,
    And live like it’s heaven on earth.”
    ― William W. Purkey

    • Oli replied 3 weeks ago

      Indeed, you are correct @helplessandhelpful1996, keep living with positivity, hope and brightness, making each day as wonderful and brilliant as you can, remember to always be the awesome, special and amazing person that you are, keep smiling and never give up, you can do it, feel free to inbox me anytime if you ever need to chat or vent about…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of HelplessAndHelpful1996
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    HelplessAndHelpful1996 posted an update 3 weeks, 4 days ago

    “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”
    ― Marilyn Monroe

    • Oli replied 3 weeks ago

      You are a good person who deserves someone who will always be there for you through every emotion, struggle, all the ups and downs, through all the joys and triumphs of life @helplessandhelpful1996, remember to always surround yourself with people who will bring you compassion and empathy, please know I’ll always be here for you too, feel free to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Angel
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    Angel posted an update 2 months ago

    Why would I start watching a new show when I could re-watch Friends for the 700th time? (Hey, Blah!)

    Mood : Amused
  • Profile picture of llUNKNOWNll
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    llUNKNOWNll posted an update 3 months, 1 week ago

    This week has been full of so many downs, I’ve been going hard in therapy and I have been dealing with a lot of doubt. Doubting if I am giving too much or not enough to those I care about. My career, should I go for it or not. I’m too focused on time and how fast it is going that I cannot seem to focus in the present. Before I know it, time has…[Read more]

    • Please don’t doubt yourself @llunknownll, remember to stay positive and focused on making all your goals, dreams and aspirations come true, I’m sure you will do great things in life, you will have a fantastic career that makes you feel fulfilled and gives you a sense of purpose, hope and optimism, it can be nerve-racking to think of the future,…[Read more]

    • Thank you for your positive words of encouragement. It means a lot to me. Sometimes it’s harder to see the light in the darkness. I appreciate you. I hope youre doing well too. Keep being the light of blah therapy

  • Profile picture of HelplessAndHelpful1996
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    HelplessAndHelpful1996 posted an update 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of our beloved cat Neferpitou, also known as Pitou. He was the shining light in my life, even during the times when he caused chaos and tested my patience. I wouldn’t exchange him for anything in this world. Although I feel like I lost him too soon, there is never sufficient time with the…[Read more]

    Mood : Bittersweet
    • I’m so sorry for your loss @helplessandhelpful1996, do remember all the happy moments you spent with your beloved cat, all the times you played together and took care of him, focus on all the times and moments he brought joy, laughter and fun to you, be strong and remember him with love and positivity, you can do it, please know I’m always here…[Read more]

    • My condolences to you. I know that he was so loved. I hope that you can find solace in knowing that he was the happiest with you and that you gave him the best life.

  • Profile picture of HelplessAndHelpful1996
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    HelplessAndHelpful1996 posted an update 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    I appear content, but I can’t help but imagine how foreign a smile would feel on my own face. It’s been ages since I genuinely smiled. This facade is slowly falling apart.

    Mood : Numb
    • Please don’t feel hopeless and numb @helplessandhelpful1996, you are such a brilliant, awesome and lovely person who truly deserves all the happiness in the world, don’t let yourself fall apart, always be kind to yourself and surround yourself with love, positivity, compassion and hope, everything will be OK, hold your head up high because you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Katherine
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    Katherine posted an update 4 months, 4 weeks ago

    daily reminder ~
    you are loved <3 you are valued <3 you matter <3

  • Profile picture of HelplessAndHelpful1996
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    HelplessAndHelpful1996 posted an update 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence. ~Alyson Noel

    • Try to stay focused on all the good times and moments you spent with that person @helplessandhelpful1996, it can be difficult to be without them, but you will get through it, make each day as bright as you can, and fill it with positive memories, you can do it, keep going forward with optimism and never give up, feel free to inbox me anytime if…[Read more]

    • thanks im trying my best its still super fresh wound and it hurts alot loosing someone i cared so much for

  • Profile picture of llUNKNOWNll
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    llUNKNOWNll posted an update 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    So, since my last post I have begun working after some time off. I thought the transition would be harder because I have to leave my son at home but it has been going surprisingly well. I miss him of course but since I’m busy all day, it goes by very fast so I feel like I’m not gone for too long. Also, I actually returned to counseling/therapy.…[Read more]

    • Keep working as hard as you can but remember it’s OK to take breaks to relax and rest when you need too @llunknownll, please know you are a wonderful, caring and awesome parent who is doing their absolute best to support their child, it’s so brave and courageous that you have returned to therapy and counselling, I’m sure it will help so you can…[Read more]

    • Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate you.

  • Profile picture of llUNKNOWNll
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    llUNKNOWNll posted an update 6 months, 3 weeks ago

    Happy New Year to anyone reading this. I hope this year gives you more happiness, self-love, and progress than 2023. This year I want to travel somewhere new, strengthen my boundaries, increase my self-love and reach out more to others around me. I tend to isolate. Anywho, I hope all is well this year. I’m feeling optimistic.

    • Hope you have a good 2024 @llunknownll, keep spreading as much love, kindness and compassion as you can, remember to always do what makes you happy, I’m sure you will do all the great things you want to do and more, stay upbeat, keep smiling and never give up, you can do it, feel free to inbox me anytime if you ever need to chat or vent, stay…[Read more]

    • Thank you!! I will always try my best as long as I can. I appreciate you.

  • Profile picture of Oli
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    Oli and Profile picture of llUNKNOWNllllUNKNOWNll are now friends 6 months, 3 weeks ago

  • Profile picture of HelplessAndHelpful1996
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    HelplessAndHelpful1996 posted an update 7 months, 1 week ago

    “The weird, weird thing about devastating loss is that life actually goes on. When you’re faced with a tragedy, a loss so huge that you have no idea how you can live through it, somehow, the world keeps turning, the seconds keep ticking.”

    • It can feel strange that life does go on when you have suffered a tremendous loss but remember to always focus on the happier, positive and upbeat moments you had with the person you lost, keep them in your heart and in your memories @helplessandhelpful1996, know that you will make it through this loss and come out feeling stronger and ready to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of HelplessAndHelpful1996
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    HelplessAndHelpful1996 posted an update 7 months, 1 week ago

    “So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.”

  • Profile picture of HelplessAndHelpful1996
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    HelplessAndHelpful1996 posted an update 7 months, 1 week ago

    “Life is full of grief, to exactly the degree we allow ourselves to love other people.”

  • Profile picture of HelplessAndHelpful1996
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    HelplessAndHelpful1996 posted an update 7 months, 1 week ago

    “Grief can be a burden, but also an anchor. You get used to the weight, how it holds you in place.”

  • Profile picture of llUNKNOWNll
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    llUNKNOWNll posted an update 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Christmas is approaching, I’ve never ever celebrated it but I’ve always wanted to go all out with the tree, the awesome lights, the presents, mostly spending that family time together. Growing up, I never had that familial environment. I hope to Gove that to my son. This year has been hard due to me not working so, I’m hoping since I’m…[Read more]

    • Try to have a good Christmas and New Year @llunknownll filled with happiness, love and joy, surrounded by those you care about, stay positive and always optimistic, I’m sure the year 2024 will be successful and amazing for you, keep smiling and never give up, you can do it, feel free to inbox me anytime if you ever need to chat or vent about…[Read more]

    • Thank you I hope this year bring you a lot of great things too!

  • Profile picture of llUNKNOWNll
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    llUNKNOWNll posted an update 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Today’s my last day of therapy (by choice) I feel like I need more time with it but at the same time I feel strong enough to go on alone. I’m excited and look forward to this new year that’s coming up. I’m just grateful that I’m alive and well enough to be the best that I can.

    • I’m so proud of you @llunknownll, I hope that the therapy you had was beneficial and will truly help you feel happier and better within yourself, remember to stay positive and go out into the world with your head held high and a sense of optimism, confidence and happiness, always be kind to yourself, keep going forward with brightness and never…[Read more]

    • Thank you!! I still have a lot of work today but one day at a time is the best way to go about it.

  • Profile picture of llUNKNOWNll
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    llUNKNOWNll posted an update 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    It feels so empty logging on. Seems like no one is here. Regardless, I will try to make this my safe space and share a bit here and there. Today wasn’t the greatest of days but I have to say that I am grateful for my son ans his happiness. I’m grateful that I will have a job again soon. I’m grateful that I got to be a SAHM for a long time. I’m…[Read more]

    • It has been quiet here on BT recently @llunknownll, hopefully one day this site will return to being an active place filled with users who support and help each other, it’s nice to see that you are grateful for your job and family, remember to always spend time with those people who make you happy and do the activities that bring you joy, try to…[Read more]

    • Thank you for your positivity and friendliness. I appreciate it. Yes, hopefully one day it’ll come back.

  • Profile picture of llUNKNOWNll
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    llUNKNOWNll posted an update 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Back after so many years. I have come a long way and I hope to keep improving every day. Life is tough but it’s also a learning experience. I have learned that I am in control of most of my life, i just have to find ways and be patient. I’ll continue to work myself and be KIND to myself above anyone else<3

    • It’s great to have you back on BT @llunknownll, hope you are well and everything is going fantastically in your life, stay positive and keep being kind to yourself, make each day as wonderful as you can, keep smiling and make all your dreams come true, don’t let anything stand in the way of achieving your goals, keep moving forward with optimism…[Read more]

    • Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. It’s hard finding positivity in this world full of negativity but I know it’s out there. I too am here if you ever want to vent. I’m trying to be more open for myself and for others. I hope all is well with you too.

  • Profile picture of Flameaura
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    Flameaura posted an update 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Not all in this world will be loved.

    Mood : Discontent
    • Please don’t think like that @flameaura, you deserve to be loved, we all do Flameaura, please know you are a wonderful, awesome and fantastic person who deserves happiness and to feel appreciated, remember you do matter, don’t let negative thoughts get you down, surround yourself with hope, positivity and brightness, be kind to yourself and…[Read more]

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