• Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    OK this cannot b coincidences. It’s happening again, where I am finally dissolving mental / trauma / emotional / health blocks so I can get better and really become my potential and heal from shit affecting my life —- and my abusers get absolute karma’d. It’s sweet, and whether it’s a sign from universe or not, I’m gonna take it as such and…[Read more]

    • It can be good to see someone bad get their comeuppance @invincible, but remember to not let them have any more power over you beautiful angel Cecelia, don’t let those who tried to destroy you win Cecelia, stay focused on your well-being sweetheart and getting yourself to a better and more happier place in life angel, because you are the one who…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 9 months, 4 weeks ago

    I’m ready. I think I’m finally ready to clear out my space, declutter, donate what I cannot sell, jst get RID of it all blocking me and my clarity. same goes for mental clutter as well. I’m just DONE suffering. I am not responsible for my trauma but I can take responsibility in my healing. So I’m gonna try. Really, actually, fucking TRY with…[Read more]

    • Do stay determined to better yourself @invincible, I’m sure you will find positive ways to direct your energies into feeling happier mentally, emotionally and physically beautiful angel Cecelia, get rid of all that is troubling you and holding you back from achieving your full potential in life sweetie, always surround yourself with hope,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 9 months, 4 weeks ago


    • I will always be here for you @invincible, remember you are so special, awesome and wonderful beautiful Cecelia, you can always reach out to me if you ever need to chat or vent about anything sweetheart, keep smiling and never give up angel, I’ll always support you and I want the best for you sweetie, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 10 months ago

    completely broke now and its only wednesday and i don’t get paid til NEXT fri. I hate the bank I use currently, it’s ridiuclous and now I have anxiety about whether or not my pills will refill so i’m having a v extensisnial crisis type of week so far when all I need and want is REST :’(

    Mood : Sad
    • OK i solved the bank issue so i’m not completely amiss but i still wanna NOT be having to take my pills, how can I naturally get off of them idk. I guess that’s an issue for later.

    • I would try to save the money you do have and try to make it stretch if you can @invincible, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for support such as financial help and advice if you need it sweetie, I would talk to your doctor about any issues with medications sweetie, remember you are such a wonderful, awesome and lovely angel who deserves all…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 10 months, 1 week ago

    My brain needs a B • R • E • A • K

    • Do take a break @invincible, because it’s OK to take a break so you can rest, relax and recharge yourself sweetie, remember to always be kind to yourself lovely angel Cecelia and know your well-being matters and should always come first, everything will work out for you and things will be OK Cecelia, please know I’m always here if you need to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 10 months, 1 week ago

    everything is just blending into each other leaving me hopeless and rather depressed.
    IDK what to do about my schooling. I’m dropping the class but I know I should retake it ASAP I just need to be in a better headspace and physical space as well. IDK though. What is best for me in life vs what is possible. Who knows if the world is gonna fking…[Read more]

    • Don’t let hopelessness break you down @invincible, focus on doing what makes you feel happy and upbeat beautiful angel Cecelia, concentrate on your well-being and getting yourself to a good place mentally, emotionally and physically sweetheart, things will work out for you and you will make all your dreams come true angel, always be kind to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 10 months, 1 week ago

    I am going to withdrawal from my class. I am making the right decision right now. I feel good and not bad about it, so that says a lot. Another time, sure. But for now, I’ve got other priorities.

    • I would do what you feel is right and beneficial for you and your future @invincible, I’m sure you will find the right path for you sweetie, focus on what is most important to you, on your priorities, your goals, dreams and aspirations beautiful Cecelia, always be kind to yourself Cecelia and know so much brightness lies ahead for you angel, I’m…[Read more]

    • thank you Oli so much. ♥♥♥

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    I got my midterm test extension approved, I am feeling like blocks are being opened, I couldn’t be more hopeful during a rocky time. Things can only look up for us now. But we have to work at it. Consistently, optimistically and genuinely.

    • Keep being hopeful and I’m sure that this extension will help you in being able to complete your work @invincible, stay upbeat and remember no matter what happens, you will make it through all the difficult times sweetie to be successful and to live a fulfilling and wonderful life, remember to always be kind to yourself angel and never give up,…[Read more]

    • As you said, a spark of light between all of the darkness. You really deserve it Cecelia, especially after all the difficult days you’ve been through. It’s really inspiring how you face the future with optimism and will. You should be very proud of how much you’ve work on yourself, how much you’ve grown, and of the marvelous person you are ❤

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Relieved. He won’t be relocating to the place I had such anxiety about. Now we can hopefully plan for something mutually and with our futures in prime view.

    • Do stay positive because I’m sure you will manage to relocate to a place where you feel comfortable and at ease @invincible, focus on your bright and awesome future that lies ahead beautiful angel Cecelia, hold your head up high and keep smiling, everything will be OK and things will work out for the best sweetheart, please know I’ll always be…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    I don’t know. I just do not know and I want to figure it out but without unnecessary pressure or tainted opinions from others. I wish I could just talk to someone about this though, the only one I would is my parent but like I said, I don’t want her clouding my judgement or pressuring me one way or the other. Same with my SO. I am feeling yet…[Read more]

    • Do reach out for support, help, advice and guidance @invincible, but remember to always do what makes you happy beautiful angel Cecelia and don’t let anyone or anything influence your decisions and choices sweetie, do what you feel is right and beneficial for you and your bright future sweetheart, stay upbeat and remember to focus on your own…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Hayden
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    Hayden posted an update 10 months, 4 weeks ago

    I had to say goodbye to my best friend today. Our dog who has been in congestive heart failure was euthanized in the comfort of his home today. It was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make and although I keep feeling the waves of guilt and regret, I know that it was time. He left this earth peacefully, and I am left distraught at the…[Read more]

    Mood : Depressed
    • I’m so sorry for your loss @devilndisguise, do remember all the happy moments you were able to spend with your much loved pet, my awesome friend Hayden, all the times you played together, went on walks together and spent time cuddling with each other, focus on all the good times you had with him Hayden, be strong buddy, you will make it through…[Read more]

    • I’m so sorry for your loss, truly. I know what it’s like, especially with a pet who was your legit best friend and savior on so many levels. It’s so hard to be a caring pet owner because we have to let them go much sooner than we wish. Having a heart sucks sometimes, but I know there’s peace of mind knowing he’s at peace, not suffering, and…[Read more]

    • Such a loss is heartbreaking, I’m really sorry Hayden. I can’t imagine the pain you are going through. Know that he lived his best life by your side, being truly loved and cared. And also as important, you were by his side giving him comfort when he needed you most. I know there’s very little than I can say to ease your pain, but if you need…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 11 months ago

    got lots of contemplation, research and self-reflection… need to spend some time with clarity pertaining to mental, physical, even spiritual self to realize what i should do.

    • Do find time for self-reflection and to work on making yourself better @invincible, I’m sure that once you complete all your self-analysis, you will make the right choices and decisions that will be beneficial for you and your future going forward beautiful angel Cecelia, remember to always do what makes you happy because your wellbeing and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    I rlly need someone to talk to / vent. Yet I don’t know how to even express it. IDEK.

    • Talk to me @invincible, what’s on your mind sweetie, feel free to express yourself in any way you that makes you feel comfortable to get your feelings, thoughts and emotions out, inbox me if you need too Cecelia, I’m here for you and I’m here to listen to you sweetie, stay strong, you are never alone :) <3 (hugs)

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    I feel like I’m on thin ice and everything can shatter and change and I can’t tell which option is the best. Suddenly, there’s no comfortable hope and I’m just falling endlessly and I just don’t know.

    • Please don’t feel hopeless @invincible, I’m sure you will make the right choices, options and decisions that will benefit you because you are so special beautiful angel Cecelia and you deserve to live a fulfilling, safe, positive and happy life filled with brightness, don’t let anything or anyone stand in the way of doing what you feel is right…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    There he goes (again) making me fucking anxious throwing things at me that just confuse me and make things unclear. How can he live like that.

    • He has absolutely no right treating you that way @invincible, you deserve so much better beautiful angel Cecelia, he should not be physically, mentally or emotionally abusive and violent towards you sweetie, I would leave the relationship Cecelia if he treats you that way sweetheart because you deserve someone who will love, cherish and care for…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    Another great weekend. I’ve got lots of stuff to go through and get rid of/ sell / organize before I can move. I’ve got to prep for my cat to move. If you have pets you know how extensive that can be especially if your fur baby has emotional stress to change. I’ve got to get my budget together, find a new job that doesn’t require such a…[Read more]

    • It’s good to see that you had a fabulous weekend, try to not get yourself too overwhelmed @invincible, I would focus on your move, getting everything ready and in order, so when moving day does come, you are completely ready to go and begin a new, exciting and wonderful chapter of your life beautiful angel Cecelia, I’m sure you will find a great…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Oli
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    Oli posted an update 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    My life holds absolutely no meaning and no purpose, I’m 32, no friends, no social life, no romantic relationship, no goals, hopes, dreams or aspirations, no hobbies or interests, nothing in my depressing life, I’m so shy, awkward, introverted, lonely and alone, I wish I knew how to communicate with people, how to talk, socialise and build…[Read more]

    Mood : Depressed
    • Oli, I can tell you, without a trace of doubt, that you are not any of that things. You are generous, kind hearted, selfless, wise, positive, honest, respectful, righteous, empathetic… You have so many virtues. It’s difficult to see them when the mind makes all the efforts to let you see just the bad side. But me, and everyone in BT, are here…[Read more]

    • @Oliver – Your life holds no meaning? Oh, Oli! I don’t know much about what’s going on outside of here in your personal life, but I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we see none of these faults in you.

      Your life has so much meaning to it. You have dedicated at LEAST a decade of your life logging on here and offering your kind,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Hayden
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    Hayden posted an update 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Making an effort to be more active here. I will try to check in periodically. Although there aren’t many people around nowadays, I’m glad to see the spam isn’t around like it was years ago.

    Work is closed due to the holiday, so I’ve been relaxing with the cat and doing some writing. Yup, still writing after all this time! Nothing published…[Read more]

    Mood : Peaceful
    • Great to see you feeling peaceful and keeping yourself busy @devilndisguise, it’s sad to see the spam here on BT and how quiet this place has become, but hopefully one day, this site will return to being active and filled with kind people helping each other, I’m sure you will write something wonderful, inspiring and insightful, my awesome buddy…[Read more]

    • It’s so nice to have you back Hayden! As you said, there’s no more spam nowasays, thanks to the site moderators. Glad to hear that you can enjoy some time off work doing things that make you happy! Hoping that you are having a great day too Hayden :)

  • Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    I had such a happy weekend with my boyfriend. I can’t understand why coming from both ends comes drama and distress which just causes sadness and anger and pain when we are apart during the week. Especially on my end, maybe I get so needy nd frustrated that he’s not within arms length of me during the week, cause during the weekend when we see…[Read more]

    • Hopefully soon comes quickly for you guys! Good luck with your classes in the meantime.

    • Every relationship has it’s up and down moments @invincible, I would focus on both you and your boyfriend keeping the lines of communication open and honest with each other, if you have any disagreements, talk to each other so you can work things out and come to a positive and hopeful agreement, listen to each other and try to understand where…[Read more]

    • You really deserve to have a happy and healthy relationship Cecelia ❤. Hoping that you both can move in together as soon as possible!

  • Profile picture of Hayden
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    Hayden posted an update 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    There have been some positives, though!

    My identity is something that I’ve always struggled with. I consider myself gender-fluid nowadays. Any and all pronouns welcome. I’m more comfortable with myself and have found a style that works for me depending on how I’m feeling any given day.

    I’m also working my dream job. I’m not certified yet,…[Read more]

    • It’s good to see you are in a more comfortable and happier place mentally, emotionally and physically @devilndisguise, always be kind to yourself and focus on making each day as bright as possible, my awesome friend Hayden, be proud of who you are Hayden and keep smiling, it’s so sweet to see that you are engaged to your fiancée/wife, hope your…[Read more]

    • I am so proud of your growth. Oh my word and CONGRATS on your engagement!!! WHOOO

    • Thank you so much, guys! <3

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