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    Theodore posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago

    I feel really content where I’m at socially right now for the first time at college… I like somebody and I’m quite sure he likes me too, but he’s part of this group of people I’ve gotten to know and I don’t want to mess up everything. I never had the same groups of friends in high school, I’d just move through them when I dated someone…[Read more]

    Mood : Confused
    • I would try to talk and bond with him as much as you can @princepossum, build up your relationship with each other and see where things go Theodore, hopefully you will always be friends no matter what happens, do what you feel benefits you going forward and never give up, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: mariko posted an update When you find out you’ll have a Latin class *screams* But for real, aside of that I’m super excited. My degree is genuinly all about history, geography, languages and specially Literature. […] View

    @marikofujimoto The thing about it is a lot of it just makes sense, like memorzing vocab is way better since a lot of roots will be familiar already! It is a bit challenging but its more of the, “need to devote study time to memorize things” sort of challenge, and less of the “I don’t understand this” challenge. So, just study, ask questions…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: Theodore posted an update Went to a festival today with friends and stayed for about 6 hours… the most fun I’ve had in quite a while! I’m glad to be clicking with a group with similar interests to me! And I may […] View

    @oliver @marikofujimoto thanks guys

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: HighLows posted an update a little less than a year ago I withdrew fro my first semester of college after ending an abusive relationship. I was going to my dream school, a prestigious engineering institute. I […] View

    @ewentjen That’s a tough one.. maybe if you were in some kind of a new setting or home life, it could help. Not sure what your living situation is now, but a change of place can give someone a fresh start, even if it’s only a 10 minute drive away. You can absolutely get on top of things though, the hardest part is getting the ball rolling.

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: mariko posted an update I have a friendship that is complicated. We know each other since year 11. At the time I was struggling with depression and anxiety (Im better but still struggle) and she was struggling […] View

    @marikofujimoto thats awesome, I’m so happy for you, be sure to stay in touch with her :)

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago

    Went to a festival today with friends and stayed for about 6 hours… the most fun I’ve had in quite a while! I’m glad to be clicking with a group with similar interests to me! And I may have a roommate for an apartment next year… actually loving work here on campus, I didn’t think I could enjoy anything in food service, but nice coworkers…[Read more]

    Mood : Content
    • Awww that’s great to hear! Seem’s you’re having a lovely time :)
      Sometimes is all about having the courage to try new things and we get surprised. So awesome for you that you took that chance!
      Hope everything keeps going awesome for you <3

    • It’s wonderful to hear that you had a good time at the festival @princepossum, hope things continue going amazingly for you Theodore, keep trying fabulous things and never give up, you can do it, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: Erica posted an update Wow, these so called ”listeners” on this site SUCK. Two people have disconnected with me when I decide to talk about weight. You really know how to help someone out. Pathetic. View

    @ericalyn yeah it’s really a draw from a hat if I come on here to vent.. since it’s free and anonymous there’s no guarantee for someone helpful, unfortunately. :/ I wish there was a vent/listen chat just for online people with registered accounts

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: mariko posted an update When you find out you’ll have a Latin class *screams* But for real, aside of that I’m super excited. My degree is genuinly all about history, geography, languages and specially Literature. […] View

    @marikofujimoto ughh I had a years worth of latin over the summer… I did not enjoy it at all, but it wasn’t too bad

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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: lovers00 posted an update i hate when people see me happy and then they ruin my happiness like i never didn’t shit to them and then the act like a fucking victim everytime I’m happy my ex gf comes and ruins it and […] View

    @lovers00 I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that, people can be horrible, especially in school. Everything is turned into drama. The best thing you can do is rise above it, you know you’re not in the wrong, because you’re not. If they’re lying about you, it’ll come back to bite them for sure. The truth always exposes itself. You do you, date…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: Janey baby posted an update Haven’t been here for ages, Hi everyone! Inbox me if you want a chat :) View

    @sparkless welcome back!

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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: Jozy posted an update I hate myself because I’m so dumb :( I’m so slow at understanding something. Lately, transitioning to university has been a real pain due to the fact that I’m so slow at understanding […] View

    @pandgirl96 I have the same problem quite often. Administrative staff and professors at college can be real douchebags if they want to. What I’ve learned after year one:
    1. Some professors are simply jerks, they treat everyone that way. They see so many students asking questions that they won’t remember you asking, either, so no need to worry…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: Gleb posted an update First week at new volunteering place done, tomorrow starts another one. Bleh. View

    @gleb Just remember the first few days somewhere new are usually the worst, I’m sure it’ll be less ”bleh” once you’re more adjusted. Volunteering is an often challenging but really wonderful thing to do

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: mariko posted an update Some people are genuinly annoying. My cousin – such an amazing guy (not) who bullied me before – came to my house and is STILL here!!! He’s been here for over 5 fucking hours. And is not […] View

    @marikofujimoto ahh, nothing like the unwanted presence of rude family members…. sorry you’re dealing with that. Honestly if you want food, you get it. It’s your house, not his. You do you and take care

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: mariko posted an update I entered!! I ENTERED FOR THE DEGREE I WANTED! ARRRRRRGH <3 View

    @marikofujimoto aaaaay that’s awesome! Glad to see you’re making progress with what you want to do, getting started is one of the hardest parts so once you’re over that initial bump you get the ball rolling. ^_^

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago

    In reply to: Theodore posted an update Question for those with anxiety problems: I’ve liked someone for about a year who seems to suffer from some social anxiety issues. Telling when someone is interested romantically can be […] View

    @oliver thanks, I def need to keep getting to know him better, I’m being extra careful not to rush anything because I don’t want to scare him off. @marikofujimoto He did randomly message me on facebook before, I’m gonna ask him about going to a movie to hang out next friday and if he agrees then I’ll get his number and maybe he’ll open up a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago

    Question for those with anxiety problems: I’ve liked someone for about a year who seems to suffer from some social anxiety issues. Telling when someone is interested romantically can be difficult, but it makes it more difficult when said person is nervous so often, on top of it being between two guys. I’ve noticed things I have done before that…[Read more]

    • I would keep talking to him, get to know him as much as you can and see what happens @princepossum, hopefully this guy will become more open and comfortable with you as time goes on and you will continue to bond with each other Theodore, stay positive and know you deserve a relationship with someone special, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or…[Read more]

    • Honestly my advice is text him. I have anxiety and is VERY hard to speak to people, specially when I started dating (rip my boyfriend’s patience..) . And I texted him saying how I felt! So maybe try to start a casual conversation and ask small questions and see how he responds. If he responds positivly try to ask him in the nicest way possible if…[Read more]

    • @oliver thanks, I def need to keep getting to know him better, I’m being extra careful not to rush anything because I don’t want to scare him off. @marikofujimoto He did randomly message me on facebook before, I’m gonna ask him about going to a movie to hang out next friday and if he agrees then I’ll get his number and maybe he’ll open up a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Theodore posted an update Kind of one of those days where I have no idea what to do with myself.. I have something pressing on my mind and asking my boss about it to get an answer could relieve a lot of stress, or […] View

    thanks @oliver

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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Spectrolite7 posted an update i think about the flaws a lot, it’s not that helpful… i’ll be fine and maybe if i go to the gym once a week that would be a start, i just dont know how im going to keep myself […] View

    @spectrolite7 I think what drives a lot of people away from gyms is overdoing it the first couple times, (if you are in pain and agony the week after, you went too hard and aren’t gonna want to go back,) and doing things that bore them. Do something that engages you, it’s totally ok to jog on a treadmill while watching a movie, or to go on a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    Kind of one of those days where I have no idea what to do with myself.. I have something pressing on my mind and asking my boss about it to get an answer could relieve a lot of stress, or I might not get a real answer and make it worse. If someone wants to talk tonight I’d really appreciate it

    Mood : Anxious
  • Profile picture of Theodore
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    Theodore posted a new activity comment 6 years, 12 months ago

    In reply to: Theodore posted an update Honest question, guys. If you’re into someone, can you ever just hang out, cuddle up, and watch a movie together at home without feeling obligated to have sex? Is that just a thing of the past? View

    @javi-soliz good reply.. thanks man, it seems pretty variable, things are never just black and white haha

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