active 9 months, 3 weeks ago


QA rep -458 4435 Rank - Familiar Face
Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since the last update. Not much to mention. I had good days and bad days. I’m managing my emotions with the resources I have, and trying to stay grounded. I hope you are all feeling okay and having a nice week so far. Remember to eat and drink, do something you love, and to treat yourself with kindness. You deserve it ❤ View

  • Oli on April 29, 2022:

    Marta is such a kind, lovely and amazing person, she has been here for me on BT for several years, supporting, caring and helping me whenever I am feeling sad, depressed or upset, she always tries to encourage me with a word of positivity, love, kindness and compassion, I honestly don’t know what I would do without her friendship, thank you for absolutely everything Marta, I love and care about you Marta, you are truly special and beautiful to me sweetheart :) <3 (hugs)