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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 2 years, 5 months ago

    1 year and 6 months ago, I’m shocked that it’s been that long since I last logged into my account on here. This website has been my escape ever since I was about 16 years old. I’ve been through so much and it’s crazy being able to see it sprawled out with my posts. From stressful toxic friendships to abusive relationships, it’s crazy to see…[Read more]

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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years ago

    My boyfriend works at a small grocery store. It’s one of those “small town” type of stores where everytime we go on there he’s greeted by pretty much everyone there.

    I’ve been in the store quite a few times, and my boyfriend has mentioned me and the fact that we have 2 kids together. So people KNOW of me.

    Well…everytime we go in there…[Read more]

    Mood : Anxious
    • I’m so sorry hun, that is tough. you have every right to feel the way you do. Hopefully by distracting yourself with music, hobbies & relaxation it can fade and you can feel comfortable. If it keeps bothering you though, confide in someone like a friend, relative or your boyfriend, they really should be considerate and acknowledge your valid feelings.

    • Oli replied 4 years ago

      That’s not right at all @xxbaybayxx, they really should acknowledge you when you are together with your boyfriend, you are part of this relationship and you deserve to be treated with respect, I would talk to your boyfriend openly and honestly about everything, also let him know how uncomfortable you are when bumping into ex’s, your boyfriend…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago

    Guess who had a baby last friday? Me. Guess who has postpartum depression? Also me.
    Can’t catch a break it seems.

    • I’ve worked with many clients that suffered with this…just try to start each day counting what is positive in your life, including your precious baby! Life is a gift. Stay strong.

    • I’ve worked with many clients that suffered with this…just try to start each day counting what is positive in your life, including your precious baby! Life is a gift. Stay strong.

    • Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful bundle of joy @xxbaybayxx, please don’t give up, remember to reach out for help and support when you need it Oliver, you will overcome postpartum depression and things will get better, stay focused on making each day bright and loving your child, you are a survivor Oliver, keep going forward with…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago

    I’ve been trying so many new theraputic measures to keep my head above water, but I hate how temporary joy can be.

    I get into animal crossing, but after 30 minutes of gaming the high of it dies. I tried growing succulents, but that high died. I try everything and at the end of the day, I’m still sitting here swatting at depression like a fly.…[Read more]

    • Everything will be OK @xxbaybayxx, stay focused on your happiness and making each day feel awesome, keep finding therapeutic measures to boost yourself because you are a wonderful person who deserves to smile and be fabulous Oliver, remember to hold your head up high and don’t let anything bring you down, you will make it through this because you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago

    The world is in such a rough place right now. This pandemic has me constantly anxious, not knowing what’s going to happen next.
    I’m due to have a child anytime in the next 2.5 weeks. My mother is supposed to drive 5 states to be here when my son is born. And bringing life into this world is just.. horrifying. Let alone having my 3 year old…[Read more]

    • I know things are really nerve-racking and scary right now but try to stay positive and focus on all the good things in the world @xxbaybayxx, remember you will be OK Oliver, try to find ways to relax and calm your mind, focus on getting yourself ready as your pregnancy progresses, I’m sure you will feel a sense of joy when you hold your little…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    In less than 2 days I’ve recieved messages from 2 of my exes. One was a basic, ”sup” while the other was an apology for the way they hurt me.
    I’ve just been feeling numb since I’ve recieved these messages, and proceeded to just ignore them.

    • I would just ignore them and move on with your life @xxbaybayxx, you are such a wonderful person who deserves happiness and love in his life, while it’s good you received an apology, don’t let all the pain and hurt of what your ex did bring you down, hold your head up high and know you are so much stronger, braver and courageous Oliver, you can…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    Today I’ve just been off and on frustrated. It’s been one of those days where everything continued to go wrong.

    • I don’t want to see you feeling annoyed or frustrated @xxbaybayxx, stay positive and surround yourself with all the things that make you smile Oliver, everything will be OK, be upbeat and remember you are awesome, always be kind to yourself and never give up, you can do it, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    I’m tired of these constant trust issues I have in my relationship. Ever since I found out a few months ago that he practically cheated on me I just haven’t been able to fully trust him. I’m constantly having dreams of him cheating and it makes me wake up feeling awful. I’m always wondering if he’s flirting with someone at work, or that…[Read more]

    • Your boyfriend has absolutely no right to cheat on you @xxbaybayxx, you are a lovely, fantastic and wonderful person who deserves a relationship that is strong and loving, I would talk to your boyfriend, be as honest and open with him as you can Oliver, let him know that you want him to dedicate himself to your relationship, hope everything works…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    Shoutout to pregnancy for making me off and on depressed about life.
    I’m due in about 3 months and I only own one thing for the baby and I’m super worried we won’t have enough in time.
    Last time we had friends and family help us stock up, this time we have no one. It’s scary preparing when you only make 100 a week.

    • Try to stay upbeat and prepare as much as you can for the birth of your beautiful baby @xxbaybayxx, don’t be afraid to reach out for help and support when you need it Oliver, you will find compassionate people who will be there for you during this time Oliver, what matters most is your happiness, your health and wellbeing Oliver, remember to look…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    Within this past year, two people I knew had late term miscarriages with baby boys. I’ve been helping people grieve and giving the best advice I can…but it’s hard for me to post anything relating to my pregnancy because I’m also having a boy and I just feel disrespectful being excited. :/

    • You are such a compassionate, kind and sweet person @xxbaybayxx, do help others grieve and help them through this traumatic and hard time in their lives, but remember to also take care of yourself and look forward to your awesome future as you are surrounded by a loving partner, a wonderful daughter and soon your beautiful baby boy will be born,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago

    Probably the toughest thing in my currently relationship is letting go and getting over the issues we have faced. We’ve fought, we’ve made up, but every once in a while I still think about the reasons we had the fights. I wish my mind would just chill out and let me live. Because the reasons we had the fight are gone now. Just distant memories.…[Read more]

    • Try to not focus on the disagreements and arguments you have with your partner @xxbaybayxx, it is normal to fight with your partner Oliver but do your best to make your relationship stronger and more loving as each day passes, be each other’s soulmates and create as many wonderful moments together as you can Oliver, everything will be OK Oliver,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago

    “Why didn’t you tell me you moved to NY wtf?”

    Oh I don’t know, maybe because for one you irritate me and I don’t even WANT to be friends anymore. And two, I was helping you with your entire pregnancy and even offered to give you ALL of my daughters old stuff and you didn’t even invite me to the baby shower, let alone message me that you…[Read more]

    • That’s not right at all @xxbaybayxx, your friend should be kind towards you and try to be close with you, true friends always stick by each other and share wonderful moments with each other which creates a lasting bond and supportive friendship, this friend just ignored you and didn’t include you, you deserve so much better Oliver, remember to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago

    Can having a baby just not be as stressful as this has been? With my first I have had NO issues with her at all. But this pregnancy I’ve dealt with bleeding, doctors had issues finding a heartbeat and all kinds of pains.

    I’ve had to get a sonogram EVERY SINGLE appointment so far and it’s driving me nuts. Sure we leave knowing the baby is fine…[Read more]

    • I’m sure you will be OK and your little bundle of joy will be born healthy @xxbaybayxx, take care of yourself Oliver, keep going to regular appointments with your doctor Oliver during your pregnancy, I know this can be a worrying and stressful time for an expectant parent, but remember to look after yourself Oliver, you have your wonderful family…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago

    Saw a photo of grandpa’s headstone today. They just recently got it placed and it just..hurts. It’s been almost 6 months since he passed and I still forget it’s even real.

    His passing broke up our family so much and turned everyone so hostile that it just makes me wish I could go back in time.

    Loss has always been somewhat easy for me but…[Read more]

    • I’m so sorry for your loss @xxbaybayxx, remember all the happy times and special moments you spent with your grandfather Oliver, hopefully your family will open up to each other and come back together, I would reach out to family members if you feel comfortable enough too and see what happens, things will work out and everything will be OK…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago

    I miss having a good sleep schedule. I miss feeling well rested. Sure, I’m pregnant and fatigue has kicked in making me nap every day. But I’m just so tired of my daughter refusing to sleep till midnight. Everything I have tried has been a failure. I miss when she’d be asleep by 10.

    • I would try to find relaxing and soothing ways to help yourself and your daughter sleep more easily @xxbaybayxx, try listening to calm sounds, limiting screen time before bed, running a hot bath and drinking a hot drink before sleep, remember to spend as much time with your daughter as you can before you go to bed as well, hope everything works…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago

    My boyfriend really wants me to start interacting with his family more but it’s so difficult! I’m not really the type to be friendly to strangers and to top that, family normally makes me uncomfortable to be around. His mother is majorly religious so I can’t even curse around her and I feel bad everytime I slip up. And I can’t really tell her…[Read more]

    • I would talk to your boyfriend about it @xxbaybayxx, let him know that being around his family makes you nervous, but at the same time, do try to get out of your comfort zone, break out of your shell because you will blossom and do great Oliver, I’m sure no matter what happens, everything will be OK Oliver, his family will love you because you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago

    Just found out I’m pregnant. (I’m biologically female for those who don’t know).
    So wish me luck y’all. Second child and I’m nervous!

    • I’m so happy for you @xxbaybayxx, hope your pregnancy goes well, do take care of yourself, your daughter and your boyfriend Oliver, I’m sure you and your boyfriend will be wonderful parents to your little bundle of joy and your daughter will be a loving sibling, keep smiling and always go forward with brightness Oliver, you can do it, inbox me…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago

    Overdid it a little today.
    Boyfriend and I walked 5 miles without even thinking. Had a slight limp when we got home. But it’s all good, I got some free time outside.

    Mood : Accomplished
    • Glad to see you had a wonderful day with your boyfriend @xxbaybayxx, do stay healthy and always look after each other Oliver, keep smiling and always be the fantastic person that you are Oliver, feel free to inbox me anytime if you ever need to talk, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

  • Profile picture of ◆☆Oliver☆◆
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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago

    I feel bad.
    I moved all 6 states away to find my own happiness, to get away from my abusive family. And I was scared that I was going to hate it here, or that I’d become too homesick. But it’s been over 2 months and…I’m not. I don’t miss the town I was raised in. I don’t miss family or my old friends. I oddly enough don’t miss anyone.

    So…[Read more]

    • Please don’t feel bad @xxbaybayxx, what truly matters is you and your families happiness Oliver, you are such a wonderful person who truly deserves to live in a place where you feel loved, supported and cared for, please don’t go back to your abusive family, they should treat you with dignity and respect Oliver, you deserve so much better, maybe…[Read more]

    • @xxbaybayxx, I experienced the same thing when I went to costa rica. What you have to realize is that there is a limited amount of things you can do for them. In the end, always put yourself first. Don’t feel guilty for trying to climb out of the hole you’ve been trapped in. You need to take time for yourself, and you’ve done that. So don’t…[Read more]

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    ◆☆Oliver☆◆ posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago

    I don’t know how to feel honestly.

    My friend was engaged and happy from what I knew. And then last week she tells me that she broke off her last engagement, is dating someone knew and got engaged two months into it.

    I don’t like how hidden everything feels now. How she’s been through so much and told me nothing. How am I supposed to be…[Read more]

    • I would be the supportive and compassionate friend that you are towards her @xxbaybayxx, let her know you care and want the best for her but at the same time you don’t want to see her get hurt or rush too quickly into a relationship, hope everything works out for your friend Oliver, be as honest and open with her as you can, feel free to inbox me…[Read more]

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