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    Kumi answered question “Social Anxiety, but not?8 years, 10 months ago

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    Kumi and Profile picture of CaliCali are now friends 8 years, 10 months ago

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    Kumi answered question “What the hell is with the chat ?8 years, 10 months ago

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    Kumi posted a new activity comment 8 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: snowi posted an update Back after a long break from this site. Why? Because I feel alone ’in a room full of people’, to such extent, that I have started avoiding ’the room’, only to end up feeling even lonelier. […] View

    Instead of dropping the message, may i just set it on fire, and catapult it to you that way instead? or is that not allowed…

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    Kumi posted a new activity comment 8 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: katrinaclaire posted an update So why is it that my name appears to be ”nice loaf” whenever I chat with people? It’s actually funny! Haha! But is that a code name of some sort? Haha View

    ahaha :P I was confused at first as well. It’s just a random ass generated name you’re given for 24 hours. :P It’ll be different by this time tomorrow. It’s too keep things anonymous and in my mind, interesting :P

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    Kumi replied to the forum topic Red Cardigan in the group Group logoAspiring Writers 8 years, 11 months ago

    It was from a writing prompt entitled – ‘what someone wearing red is thinking’
    It just went from there. I’m big on murdering people, plot twists, and just dark thriller type stories. Writing this character out […]

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    Kumi started the forum topic Red Cardigan in the group Group logoAspiring Writers 8 years, 11 months ago

    I figured I would just share something I wrote. so here it is -

    She grabbed her cardigan as she walked out the door. The light sweater, a bright color of freshly applied red lipstick, boldly contrasting with […]

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    Kumi replied to the forum topic Social Anxiety Is Ruining My Life in the group Group logoSocial Anxiety 8 years, 11 months ago

    It’s hard. Social anxiety is a bitch. A bitch that has to be fought though. You’re on this site, that’s a good first step. I’m not sure how good the therapists on here are, but have you tried maybe using them? […]

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    Kumi and Profile picture of katrinaclairekatrinaclaire are now friends 8 years, 11 months ago

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    Kumi asked “What the hell is with the chat ?8 years, 11 months ago

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    Kumi posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    Feeling sick today :( Ugh. Just have a bad feeling in my stomach…

    Mood : Sick
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    Kumi and Profile picture of HaydenHayden are now friends 8 years, 11 months ago

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    Kumi replied to the forum topic sleeping on stomach in the group Group logoGirl Talk 8 years, 11 months ago

    how about a body pillow? Have you tried one of those? I use one, i use it because i’m pregnant but still. I have two. one for the back, and one for the front :P I love them, it keeps me on my side mostly. I toss […]

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    Kumi replied to the forum topic I am.. curious about your user name in the group Group logoI am.. 8 years, 11 months ago

    Mine is Saffronfoxx. it’s just something I’ve always had. I like the name Saffron. and foxes are my absolute favorite animal.

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    Kumi posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    Just because you decide to tell someone ‘no’ doesn’t make you a bad person. what make you a bad person is how you react to being told ‘no’. if you want to get all pissy and act like a child, then fine. but why act like that? why not be an adult and except that you won’t always get your goddamned way. people shouldnt feel bad for saying…[Read more]

    Mood : Annoyed
    • Are you OK? @saffronfoxx, I don’t want to see you annoyed or angry, I’m here if you need to talk Saffron :) (hugs)

    • Indeed.
      I knew someone who would get extremely upset whenever I said no to them on certain things. They made me feel awful about it.
      But you can’t let that happen, ya know?
      No is no. It’s okay to say no.
      It’s not your fault if they ever get upset about it.

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    Saffron posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    I can’t stand this. this is just… not right. I’m tired of trying. I just wish I could disappear. Why can’t someone actually want to talk to me..

    Mood : Depressed
    • Please don’t let sadness bring you down @saffronfoxx, you are a good person who deserves all the best in life, try to be positive and upbeat, be kind and sweet to yourself hun, do your best to focus on the things that make you feel amazing, hold your head up high and show everyone who truly incredible you are, you are full of brightness, surround…[Read more]

    • Don’t give up. Life is tough and the people are tougher but their are some amazing things and people out there. Feel free to message me if you ever want to talk :)

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    Saffron posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    Does Anyone want to chat? I’m available to chat.
    Skype – rosethefox1

    Mood : Alone
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    Saffron joined the group Group logotips and other warm fuzzies 8 years, 11 months ago

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    Saffron joined the group Group logoRECOVERING FROM ABUSE 8 years, 11 months ago

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    Saffron started the forum topic Charcuterie Plate in the group Group logoFoodies 8 years, 11 months ago

    have any of you ever had one? with the meats, and cheeses, and olives, and grapes, and the amazing yummy-ness???

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