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    justkeepswimming posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    In reply to: justkeepswimming posted an update I want to be the type of person who just doesn’t give a fuck about what other people think, but I’m the exact opposite. I care about everything people think no matter who they […] View

    Thanks Oli! You’re very optimistic.

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    justkeepswimming posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    In reply to: justkeepswimming posted an update I want to be the type of person who just doesn’t give a fuck about what other people think, but I’m the exact opposite. I care about everything people think no matter who they […] View

    That’s so interesting that you say that you had to please everybody so you could like them. That makes so much sense but I’ve never thought of it that way. I guess I just have so many criticisms for myself that I tend to judge others immediately based off of my own insecurities. Therefore, depending on what kind of day it is, I’ll either like…[Read more]

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    justkeepswimming posted an update 6 years, 2 months ago

    I want to be the type of person who just doesn’t give a fuck about what other people think, but I’m the exact opposite. I care about everything people think no matter who they are; be it stranger, close friend, or family. If something awkward or intimidating happens, I can’t help but get super nervous and run from confrontation. I would LOVE to…[Read more]

    Mood : Annoyed
    • I don’t like argument or confrontation as well @rolivia128, I tend to walk away from that sort of thing if it happens, it’s good that you want to please others, but do remember the only person who truly matters is yourself, you should do what makes you happy, regardless of what others may think, be yourself and keep going, everything will be OK,…[Read more]

    • We usually think that other people are really focused on ourselves. When I was younger I used to think that I had to please everyone so I could like them. With every year I grow older, the more I realize that other people are too worried about their own lives to be focused on me. Of course, there always be some of them that will talk about you,…[Read more]

    • That’s so interesting that you say that you had to please everybody so you could like them. That makes so much sense but I’ve never thought of it that way. I guess I just have so many criticisms for myself that I tend to judge others immediately based off of my own insecurities. Therefore, depending on what kind of day it is, I’ll either like…[Read more]

    • Thanks Oli! You’re very optimistic.

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    justkeepswimming posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    In reply to: Cecelia posted an update Trauma and mental illness is not something to make you look ”cool” or ”cooler” than other people. I wish my friend would stop trying to ’one up’ me with trauma. It’s not funny or amusing […] View

    Sounds like your friend is a little competitive and dealing with her own hardships as well. Maybe confront her about how it makes you feel when she puts your feelings on the back burner and makes hers the main priority. Obviously both are important, but there comes a time when a friend just needs to be there to listen. A little give and take.…[Read more]

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    justkeepswimming posted an update 6 years, 2 months ago

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the great women out there.

    Mood : Grateful
    • Hope you have a wonderful mother’s day too @rolivia128, do have a great day as well and keep being the awesome person that you are, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

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    justkeepswimming posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: justkeepswimming posted an update what’s something I can do to embarrass myself? something to push my barriers. something courageous. I want to do something that will help me face my fears. Please help me extend […] View

    I’m more introverted.

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    justkeepswimming posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    what’s something I can do to embarrass myself? something to push my barriers. something courageous. I want to do something that will help me face my fears. Please help me extend my list!!!!

    Mood : Afraid
    • Depends on the things you like and dislike. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

    • I’m more introverted.

    • You can make it a goal to try and talk to strangers more often if you haven’t included that yet. What are the sort of things you’ve already included?

    • I’m sure you will be able to go out into the world and confidently face your fears @rolivia128, I know how you feel, I’m shy too and it takes time for me to warm up to people, try to meet as many new faces as you can, do things that you have never done before, look for new experiences, you will be OK, feel free to inbox me anytime if you want to…[Read more]

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    justkeepswimming posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    who’s still using blahtherapy???

    Mood : Confused
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    justkeepswimming posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    Action-Inspiration-Motivation-Action-Inspiration-Motivation. First, you must act, regardless of whether or not you feel motivated or inspired. Then, from action, you become inspired. With inspiration comes motivation to lead you to your next action. Follow this cycle and just do it. Just do it.

    Mood : Determined
    • It’s great to see you determined @rolivia128, keep inspiring others and take care of yourself, remember you are brilliant and wonderful inside and out, I’m always here if you need to chat or vent, feel free to inbox me anytime, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

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    justkeepswimming posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    Feeling thankful for all the beautiful souls that I come across on this site. It’s so refreshing to get and give new perspective. Would love to expand the support system outside of this site. Since I don’t really use Twitter much, follow me on IG: olivia_reyes_

    Mood : Thankful
    • Thanks for being part of this community @rolivia128, you are also a wonderful soul Olivia, keep supporting others and being the lovely person that you are, I’m always here if you need to chat or vent about anything, feel free to inbox me anytime, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

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    justkeepswimming posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago

    In reply to: Prettyangel197 posted an update It sucks knowing that no matter what I do I’ll never be good enough for my Dad or sister View

    No!!! Please don’t think that. I’m sure you are loved. If something happened that made them upset with you, it will pass and they will get over it. But don’t think for one second that you are a disappointment. It will only make you feel worse. What did they do or say to make you feel like this way?

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    justkeepswimming posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago

    In reply to: justkeepswimming posted an update Really nervous about these mood swings…don’t want to grow old with them. Don’t want to be like this forever. Don’t want them to define me. View

    Thanks for the advice. I just feel guilty when I get in my mood swings because the only reason I do comes from how I feel about MYSELF. When I treat my friends according to those swings I feel so guilty because I’m not trying to hurt them, I just feel super insecure about myself sometimes, then I let my anxiety take over. I just need better…[Read more]

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    justkeepswimming posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    Really nervous about these mood swings…don’t want to grow old with them. Don’t want to be like this forever. Don’t want them to define me.

    Mood : Ashamed
    • Don’t let sadness get you down @rolivia128, remember to stay upbeat and do your best to focus on the things that bring you brightness and hope, let the amazing parts of yourself shine through and always believe in yourself, you can do it, go forward and never give up, I’m always here if you ever need to chat or vent, feel free to inbox me anytime,…[Read more]

    • I canI can relate to that feeling of shame but really there is nothing to be ashamed about,most people get mood swings to a certain degree, some alot more severe than others. To me people who struggle with severe mood swings and who learn to be able to sit with those moods and not let those emotions do something they don’t want to are admired and…[Read more]

    • Thanks for the advice. I just feel guilty when I get in my mood swings because the only reason I do comes from how I feel about MYSELF. When I treat my friends according to those swings I feel so guilty because I’m not trying to hurt them, I just feel super insecure about myself sometimes, then I let my anxiety take over. I just need better…[Read more]

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    justkeepswimming posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    Day started out a little stressful, but I’m happy to say that I’m finding ways of giving myself peace of mind. It’s starting to become second nature. Can’t wait till it overpowers the negative. Excited and hopeful for the future.

    Mood : Calm
    • Glad to see you staying positive @rolivia128, remember to keep smiling and don’t let stress get you down, much brightness and special moments lie ahead for you, believe in yourself and never give up, you can do it, I’m always here if you need to chat or vent, feel free to inbox me anytime, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

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    justkeepswimming started the forum topic Helping 71 year old man transition to woman in the group Group logoSexuality, Gender, and Mental Health 7 years, 7 months ago

    A 71 year old man I met about a month ago has confided in me about his desire to transition from male to female. He wants me to help guide him through his journey by taking him shopping for clothes, makeup, […]

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    justkeepswimming joined the group Group logoSexuality, Gender, and Mental Health 7 years, 7 months ago

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    justkeepswimming posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    You are what you eat.

    Mood : Hungry
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    justkeepswimming posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    What’s a good way to meet new people?

    Mood : Curious
    • Do your best to go out into the world @rolivia128, meet with groups that you are interested in, find new hobbies or subjects you would like to learn, I’m sure you will meet amazing people who will like you for who you are, remember to smile and let your bright personality shine through, you can do it, hope everything works out, I’m always here if…[Read more]

    • through uni. or online games or communities are a great place to meet people with similar interests

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    justkeepswimming posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    It’s a new day.

    Mood : Optimistic
    • It’s great to see you positive, happy and optimistic @rolivia128, keep smiling and continue being the fantastic person that you are, fill your days with joy and love, you can do it, I’m always here if you need to chat or vent, feel free to inbox me anytime, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

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    justkeepswimming posted an update in the group Group logoMusic 7 years, 9 months ago

    I am a singer/songwriter. Don’t get the same enjoyment out of music as I used to. It’s a constant reminder that I’m sitting on my ass waiting for a miracle to happen, while other people are passing me by just doing it. The music I’m hearing today makes me so frustrated…so I stick with the usual music from the past. I want to embrace this…[Read more]

    Mood : Gloomy
    • Do your best to keep writing and singing @rolivia128, hopefully you will come up with a unique sound and produce something amazing, remember to keep pursuing your dreams and talents, be as positive as you can and never give up, I’m always here if you need to chat or vent, inbox me anytime, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

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