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    Jillybean131 posted an update 6 years, 5 months ago

    Mood : Morose
    • Are you OK? @jillybean131, I want to see you smiling and feeling fantastic as you are such a wonderful person who truly deserves all the best, everything will be OK, try to stay positive and do what makes you happy, you can do it, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • is everything alright? I hope you have a great week <3

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    In reply to: mariko posted an update Sad. View

    You are such a caring person. You are loved and have support here. You and members like you have helped me get through such dark, lonely and difficult times. You deserve happiness.

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    In reply to: ClareBear posted an update im excited to finally go on a trip and do something this summer. Looking forward to college also, its the start of new great things. I just dont know if every aspect of my life is going […] View

    It’s easy to get wrapped up in the “right here, right now”. Don’t be afraid to move on. You should be excited for the future. You’re about to enter a new chapter of unchartered waters and that’s awesome. It is natural to outgrow a few friendships/relationships as you expand into the unique individual you are meant to become. Good luck…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted an update 7 years ago

    Thanks for the support. Things are improving in my personal life, as well. Very grateful.

    Mood : Loved
    • Oli replied 7 years ago

      Glad things are working out for you @jillybean131, you are a wonderful person who deserves happiness, love and hope, keep smiling and always be fantastic, stay positive and go forward with confidence, you can do it, never give up, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • @jillybean131 that’s really awesome. I hope it gets better and better by the day(:

    • @jillybean131 glad things are looking better for you :)

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted an update 7 years ago

    I forgot what a good night’s sleep feels like

    Mood : Tired
    • Oli replied 7 years ago

      Hope you manage to get a good sleep and rest @jillybean131, you could try running a bath before bed or listening to calm soothing sounds, everything will be OK, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

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    Jillybean131 joined the group Group logoBlahTherapy Arcade 7 years ago

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    Jillybean131 posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    In reply to: mariko posted an update I genuinly hate people who put their partners as 100% priority. Don’t get me wrong, ofc if you are in a relationship your partner IS a priority, however your friends and education still […] View

    I agree. It’s normal to be excited for a new relationship, but that should not take away the happiness you feel when doing other things and spending time with other people. I can’t stand couples who consider their partner their “other Half”. As though neither of them feels like a complete person unless they are constantly glued…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    In reply to: Robin posted an update Tomorrow is a brand new day, the sun will rise up anyway, if only I would listen to these words I say , take a step back, take a good look, oh I just may View

    I really like that

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    Jillybean131 joined the group Group logoVent It! 7 years ago

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    Jillybean131 posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    In reply to: SetiDrow posted an update so ive been working on my story and i met someone here who knows a publishing program called wattpad… and i posted what i have of my story on there…. and ive added quite a bit since i […] View

    I would love to read what you wrote

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted an update 7 years ago

    I’m off tonight, msg me if anyone would like to chat or vent.

    Mood : Lonely
    • Oli replied 7 years ago

      What’s on your mind @jillybean131, I don’t want to see such a lovely and amazing human-being like yourself feeling lonely, smile, hold your head up high and keep being the fantastic person that you are, you will be OK, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent about anything, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • When you said off, I thought you meant you were going offline. Maybe you meant off work, and so were free and online. Ambiguity has a way of exasperating things… lol

    • @jillybean131 aww you can PM me if you want ^-^I’m always here if you need me!

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    Jillybean131 and Profile picture of marikomariko are now friends 7 years ago

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    Jillybean131 joined the group Group logoMissed Connections 7 years ago

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    Jillybean131 posted an update 7 years ago

    Appreciative for the support I’ve received lately. PM if anyone would like to chat about anything

    Mood : Humbled
    • @jillybean131 we always like to help people here the best we can :) Glad to see people are being nice to you

    • Oli replied 7 years ago

      Glad that this community has been able to help you @jillybean131, we are all here to support each other, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent about anything, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted an update 7 years ago

    Feeling alone tonight…

    Mood : Restless
    • Oli replied 7 years ago

      Please don’t feel alone @jillybean131, you are such a special, lovely and fantastic person who deserves to be surrounded by compassion, hope and happiness, I care about you and I’m sure so many others do too, smile and keep being the beautiful human-being that you are, be kind to yourself and never give up, you can do it, inbox me anytime if you…[Read more]

    • @jillybean131 quite a late reply but if you need company you can always PM me

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    In reply to: mariko posted an update Just came here to say hope everyone is having a good day/evening. Goodnight everyone. See you all tomorrow View

    Thank you for that. Goodnight to you and sleep well.

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    In reply to: simplehello posted an update Feeling kinda anxious. View

    Why nervous?

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    In reply to: SetiDrow posted an update im live right now if people wanna watch! :D View

    I’d love to chat

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    Jillybean131 and Profile picture of kitten whisperer are now friends 7 years ago

  • Profile picture of Jillybean131
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    Jillybean131 posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    In reply to: ClareBear posted an update i want to disappear. Things are just getting too hard at this point. I know they say whats easy isn’t worth it, but i don’t even want any of this. Its like im fighting without a will or […] View

    Don’t disappear! You are beautiful and it sucks that you’re unhappy. Maybe it’s time for a change. I realize that when you’re feeling low it’s difficult to put effort into trying new things. But please keep trying. I remember feeling so hopeless, during those times I thought that feeling would never go away. Although life hasn’t been…[Read more]

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