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    UniversalWoman and Profile picture of Steve JSteve are now friends 6 years, 6 months ago

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    UniversalWoman posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago

    In reply to: bekah345 posted an update okay guys we all got issues alright and no one person is any more or less messed up then the person witting next to them in any situation but some of us especially me! Do not know how to […] View

    Hey bekah345, there is such thing as thinking too much which is called over thinking. I know we use this most especially when we’re hurt or just because we don’t want whatever it is that causes us anxiety or pain to ever happen again. I am a thinker and i wonder this all the time, but think of this since you’re already thinking lol what would…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of UniversalWoman
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    UniversalWoman posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago

    In reply to: Amystrei posted an update Such is life. View

    It may not look or feel beautiful, but there is growth, opportunity, and change in pain. It’s hard to feel any of it right now, but when you are at your end of the pain is when it becomes better. The pain will better you and make you wiser. I look back and think of the experiences I’ve gone through and I smile thinking about my past struggles…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of UniversalWoman
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    UniversalWoman posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago

    In reply to: aireens posted an update i realize to have a deeper bond with someone you actually gotta care abou them… and i realize i dont care about others but myself…………how the hell do i change this. View

    Hey Aireens, have you ever asked yourself why you feel like you only care about yourself and not anyone else? Once you find that answer you can change. When they say the truth will set you free it applies to a lot of things and in this case, if you find what the answer is you can better handle what it is you want to change or in other words…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of UniversalWoman
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    UniversalWoman joined the group Group logoBreaking Stereotypes 6 years, 6 months ago

  • Profile picture of UniversalWoman
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    UniversalWoman posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago

    In reply to: Jacob posted an update I hate celebrate recovery meetings, I may drink but I let the past be the past View

    Hi Jacob, just got your friend request! haha back to your status… I’m a believer of our past lives create who we are now in new life, but don’t live in the past and use it to find new light.

  • Profile picture of UniversalWoman
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    UniversalWoman posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago

    In reply to: UniversalWoman posted an update I haven’t been here in months, but since I’m on here I want to give you guys an update. I have been working on myself. Ever since I have removed the negative people in my life it […] View

    Hey Oli, thank you for reading my post last year. Sorry I didn’t get to see this sooner, but I got to it now. Ahhh! I love the support and encouragement. I definitely will be on here more frequently. See you around!

  • Profile picture of UniversalWoman
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    UniversalWoman posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago

    Hey everyone, it has been a long time since I’ve logged here. Can everyone update me on what’s new with them?

    Mood : Happy
    • It’s great to see you happy and positive @universalwoman, I’m surviving, hope you are having a fabulous day, keep smiling and stay awesome, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

  • Profile picture of UniversalWoman
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    UniversalWoman posted an update 8 years ago

    I haven’t been here in months, but since I’m on here I want to give you guys an update. I have been working on myself. Ever since I have removed the negative people in my life it has been a lot more refreshing. I am more focused and looking forward to the better things in life with good people guiding me. Surround yourself with people that are…[Read more]

    Mood : Hopeful
    • Oli replied 8 years ago

      Glad things are going fabulously for you @universalwoman, keep being positive, I’m sure many more bright and amazing moments lie ahead for you in the future, always surround yourself with love and hope, I wish you all the best going forward, remember to always be proud of the progress you have made, feel free to message me anytime if you want to…[Read more]

    • Hey Oli, thank you for reading my post last year. Sorry I didn’t get to see this sooner, but I got to it now. Ahhh! I love the support and encouragement. I definitely will be on here more frequently. See you around!

  • Profile picture of UniversalWoman
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    UniversalWoman and Profile picture of ElsaElsa are now friends 9 years, 7 months ago

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    UniversalWoman and Profile picture of HannahHannah are now friends 9 years, 8 months ago

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    UniversalWoman posted an update 9 years, 9 months ago

    We’re confused because we’re in denial and hopeful. If we accept the truth and leave hope in our hands maybe we’ll worry and be disappointed less.

    Mood : Disappointed
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    UniversalWoman and Profile picture of bkiwis are now friends 9 years, 9 months ago

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    UniversalWoman posted an update 9 years, 9 months ago

    There’s just something in music that really puts me back together as whole and back as myself again. Who else feels this way about music? (Swaying in soothing music to my soul right now)

  • Profile picture of UniversalWoman
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    UniversalWoman posted an update 9 years, 9 months ago

    10 Signs Your Relationship Is As Good As Over http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/16/breakup_n_5500043.html

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    UniversalWoman and Profile picture of Sunset LeopardSunset Leopard are now friends 9 years, 9 months ago

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    UniversalWoman and Profile picture of JozeJoze are now friends 9 years, 9 months ago

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    UniversalWoman and Profile picture of IgturbkIgturbk are now friends 9 years, 9 months ago

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    UniversalWoman and Profile picture of Soft BeastSoft Beast are now friends 9 years, 9 months ago

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    UniversalWoman posted a new activity comment 9 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: thatonehelper posted an update Thinking about dropping out my senior year.. ill be 18 and living with my fiance.. but family doesnt like, I wanna get a job and live on my own and do me.. i hate the school i am at […] View

    @thatonehelper Senior year huh? Sounds like you’re almost done. Stick a little bit longer and finish school. It’s frustrating, but we don’t get what we always want out of life. So, we just have to work with what we have or what we want to have. It’s one more year and if you survived all three years then you can make it one more year. Living…[Read more]

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