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    Maya posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    Find me on kik : mayap743

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    I’m actually surprised that I’m having a good day!

    Mood : Happy
    • Glad you are having a fabulous day @mayapowers, keep smiling and always be awesome Maya, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Maya posted an update I’m about to start drinking!!!! To much fucking pain!!! View

    Cheack your inbox cause I just messaged you.

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    I’m about to start drinking!!!! To much fucking pain!!!

    Mood : Depressed
    • Please don’t do anything bad to yourself @mayapowers, you are lovely, amazing and incredible Maya, I don’t want to see you feeling hurt because of how others treat you, smile and know so many people are here to support you, the BT community cares about you and so do I Maya, smile and keep being the fantastic angel that you are, inbox me anytime…[Read more]

    • Cheack your inbox cause I just messaged you.

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    How come when someone you truly love treats you like shit? I can’t even do this anymore. So done !

    Mood : Stressed
    • Anyone who treats you badly isn’t worth it @mayapowers, you are such a beautiful and special human-being who deserves to be loved and cared for, don’t let anyone bring you down Maya, hold your head up high, smile and know you are amazing inside and out, so many people respect and appreciate you Maya, be positive and never give up, you can do it,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya changed their profile picture 6 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Maya posted an update Can this day go any worst? View

    Hey message me and I’ll talk to you that way.

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Maya posted an update Can this day go any worst? View

    Hey message me and I’ll talk to you that way.

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Maya posted an update Can this day go any worst? View

    Hey message me and I’ll talk to you that way.

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    Can this day go any worst?

    Mood : Depressed
    • Hey. Care to vent about it? ? If so, please feel free to message me. There are people who are willing to listen to you and try to help (:

    • What’s on your mind @mayapowers, I want to see you having days that are filled with happiness, brightness and hope Maya, smile and don’t let anything get you down, hold your head up high and always be the incredible person that you are, smile, believe in yourself and never give up, you can do it because you are truly fabulous, inbox me anytime…[Read more]

    • Hey message me and I’ll talk to you that way.

    • Hey message me and I’ll talk to you that way.

    • Hey message me and I’ll talk to you that way.

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    Since I’m not that much on here if you would like to talk to me inbox me and I’ll give you my Kik name and if you would like to snap-chat i’ll give it to you if you inbox me and if I give it to you please don’t be stupid cause I will block you!

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago

    In reply to: Maya posted an update Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been on here for awhile and lots of things had changed. I graduated last year and I have been in the accident 3 months ago, still trying to recover from it but to […] View

    Thank you so much and I’m trying my best to stay strong.

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 6 years, 12 months ago

    Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been on here for awhile and lots of things had changed. I graduated last year and I have been in the accident 3 months ago, still trying to recover from it but to many things are going on right now it unreal. But I’m trying to stay strong and keep my head up.

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    So what I smoke weed, Last time I checked it’s my life not Yours.

    • Do what makes you feel comfortable and happy @mayapowers, don’t let anything or anyone stand in your way Maya, keep being the brilliant human-being that you know you can be, don’t give up, I’m always here if you ever need to chat about anything, message me anytime, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • It’s your life who you are messing with. Sure we can have an argument about how ”weed” isn’t bad like the other drugs…. it’s still a drug, is still bad for you,
      You have so much potential and deserve so much more…why go so low?
      Have some self love and treat yourself better, this is my advice @mayapowers

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    So done & over all of this. I can’t do this anymore.

    Mood : Depressed
    • Yes you can darling. You’re strong, you’re beautiful and you’re truly special. And we all have our inner strenght, so don’t disappoint yourself and give up like that. Would you tell your younger self that one day you would give up? That would be quite sad,right? We all dream to overcome our problems and grow stronger. And you can too. The only…[Read more]

    • Please don’t let sadness get you down @mayapowers, you are a special and fantastic individual who deserves all the happiness and love in the world, things will be OK and everything will work out Maya, hold your head up high, you are a warrior who never gives up, great things will happen to you, show everyone how truly beautiful you are, I want to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Maya posted an update My brother going to kill me :( I broke his calculater… View

    Ya, but they like 200 doller calculater.. :( I dont have money writhe now.. :(

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    My brother going to kill me :( I broke his calculater…

    Mood : Sad
  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    Fallow me on Instagram: bestff753
    Add me on kik: mayap743
    I will add you back I promise.

  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    I just broke my phone… :(

    Mood : Pissed off
  • Profile picture of Maya
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    Maya posted an update 9 years ago

    This summer is boring as fuck… :(

    Mood : Sick
    • Oli replied 9 years ago

      Do try to have a good summer @mayapowers, do something that will make you smile and that will make you feel happy, I’m sure you will find things that will make you feel wonderful Maya, hold your head up high and try to stay positive, you can do this sweetie, I’m always here if you need to talk, feel free to message me anytime if you want, my…[Read more]

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