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    Anirudh posted an update 4 years, 6 months ago

    Its another decade in front of us now. The last 10 years were….something I cannot forget. This community helped me during some of my most difficult times and I do hope that everyone else has a fabulous year and are able to achieve loads of success and good health. Cheers, guys. Have a great one.

    Mood : Hopeful
    • Glad this community has helped you a lot during hard times @itsanirudhagain, everyone on BT cares about you and wants the best for you, so do I, have a fantastic new year Anirudh and know 2020 will be a wonderful year for you, keep smiling and always be the awesome person that you are, feel free to inbox me anytime if you ever need to talk about…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh and Profile picture of Super Woman are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    .For obvious reasons,I guess there is a rant to come out from my side.This happened last week.I shouted on a someone who is way too close to someone that I know.Pretty badly.Although I instantly regretted that up(Even shed some tears,what I had done was irreparable).But all I feel is that Ive permanently screwed up whatever relation I had between…[Read more]

    Mood : Depressed
    • Don’t let your past mistakes get you down @itsanirudhagain, learn from them and try to move forward if you can, everyone at some point in their lives has done something they regret, I would try to talk to the person who you had a disagreement with and see if you can build bridges with them, hopefully you will make up with them and your…[Read more]

    • Let it sink for awhile, if you really don’t feel okay about what happened, apologize sincerely and wholeheartedly. I’m sure that person will understand, don’t be upset, people make mistakes and that’s how we learn.

    • Hey just came across your post. Everyone in life makes mistakes and have they accepted your apology? As long as you know you have apologised and done the right thing no need to regret it. Maybe there was a reason why that relationship/friendship lasted that time.

      Stay blessed, positive vibes your way

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    Anirudh and Profile picture of Silent Radiance are now friends 8 years, 1 month ago

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    Anirudh and Profile picture of Miza ツMiza ツ are now friends 8 years, 5 months ago

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    Anirudh and Profile picture of MonaMona are now friends 8 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    Its been long

    How is everyone here? :)

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    Anirudh and Profile picture of TheLifeGivingTheLifeGiving are now friends 8 years, 9 months ago

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    Anirudh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Anirudh and Hayden are now friends View


    Ill.say its my pleasure :)

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    Anirudh and Profile picture of GlebGleb are now friends 8 years, 9 months ago

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    Anirudh and Profile picture of HaydenHayden are now friends 8 years, 9 months ago

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    Anirudh replied to the forum topic Have you ever…? in the group Group logoBlahTherapy Arcade 8 years, 9 months ago

    Yep..Once at a fair…And that was scary(Considering I fear heights)

    Have you ever received a speeding ticket?

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Hayden posted an update In a very bright mood today! It’s a lovely day that’s so far going well, and I have these next few days to look forward to also. I hope everyone else is doing well. :) View

    Just live out each and every moment..And as you move on and the time unfolds…you’ll find out that each moment just gets better and better :)

    Glad to hear that you’re having a lovely day…And speaking of mine,It has been amazing.and it’ll be.Nothing to fear about xD

    Fear never does good,does it?..Cherish the present and you’ll fall in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    To all the peeps out there going through something or the other..Well,you found this site..so it is a sign that the things are gonna get better :) .
    And well,you want support?..We got a full family for y’all here.We wont leave your hand,never.

    So,jump on the wagon..It’s gonna be a fun ride…Let’s join hands and lets make it better for everyone!

    • You are totally right @itsanirudhagain, Blah is one big caring and supportive community, we are all here to help each other and to lift each other up :) (hugs)

    • Well said!
      This site is definitely a great place to go if you ever need help. Sure, it has its downfalls, especially with all the spam lately, but there are still people here who are always willing to lend others a hand.

      Stay strong, and if you ever need anything, you can always message me. ^-^

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Leslie Withers posted an update So wish I could figure out this picture thing View

    You click on the profile tab.There,you got this option of ’Change Avatar’
    Pick any picture of your choice(under the constraints provided)…and youre good to go :)

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Leslie Withers posted an update @itsanirudhagain hey i hope everything is going okay and that you’re having a good day. If you need me, just let me know :) View

    Sure,Leslie..That’s very sweet of you :)

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Anirudh posted an update And it’s all back again.Some of my friends have still stuck in..Time to find em all out! View

    With people like you still sticking up,I got no worries,mate :)

    And yep..Ive missed em all way too much..Time to do this,and do this fast

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Ariella9511 changed their profile picture View

    Beautiful pic Ariella :) .

  • Profile picture of Anirudh
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    Anirudh posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    And it’s all back again.

    Some of my friends have still stuck in..Time to find em all out!

    • I’m sure you will re-connect with them @itsanirudhagain, keep smiling and stay positive, everything will go your way, you can do it, I’m always here if you need to chat :) (hugs)

    • @oliver
      With people like you still sticking up,I got no worries,mate :)

      And yep..Ive missed em all way too much..Time to do this,and do this fast

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    Anirudh joined the group Group logoGuy Talk + Girl Talk (United) 8 years, 9 months ago

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