• Profile picture of Kealee
    Passing Stranger
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    Kealee posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago

    How do others deal with anxiety?

    • I’ve heard that it can be helpful to think of the anxiety as a panicky friend. Imagine what you would say to a friend that came to you with whatever the concern is and do that. And it might also help to remind yourself that for every negative ”what if” scenario, there’s a positive one too. Yes, something bad could happen. But what if something good happens? It helps me to take as much control of a situation as I can, and not concern myself with what I can’t control. For example, let’s say I have a date tomorrow and I’m worried that we won’t get along well, or it’ll be awkward. Yes, that could happen, and it might be uncomfortable, but that’s okay because it’ll pass. And who knows, it could go really well! Either way, I won’t know until tomorrow, so I’ll just be myself and not worry about it. To take control, I’d make sure to give myself plenty of time to get ready, choose my clothes ahead of time so I’m not rushing, and do anything else I’d need to prepare. I hope that makes sense. Feel free to PM me more to talk ~

    • Please don’t let anxiety get you down @kealee, stay focused on making yourself feel positive, upbeat and happy, take deep breathes sweetie, calm, ease and put your mind at rest Kealee, find good ways to relax so you can unburden all your worries and concerns, everything will be OK Kealee, keep going forward and never give up, you can do it, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • I try to solve the problem in my head that is causing me anxiety. Or try to figure out what I will do if certain situations arise, so my brain feels prepared and organized. It helps a bit. Just remember to breathe, listen to music or do things that cause attention to be driven on something else other than the anxiety.

    • I try to do something that keeps my mind busy, usually listening to music or watch anime. Then I think to myself ”what’s the worst that could happen?”, and if I have any control about it. If it’s something that’s out of my control, I say to myself that there’s nothing I can do about it, and that thought makes it a lil’ easier. Anxiety makes everything looks worse than it is, so it’s important to remember that the worst case scenario that appears in our heads, it’s very unlikely to happen. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and try to ease your thoughts. You can do it!

    • @Angel that is a great way to deal with anxiety.