• Profile picture of Oli
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    Oli posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    I’m officially 24 today, it’s my birthday today, I don’t know if I should be happy or sad, birthdays are usually a happy occasion but all this day does for me is remind me of how much of a failure I am and how pathetic I am, but I can’t let the negativity and sadness overtake me, I have to try to fight and get through it, I’ll just use this day to be thankful for everyone on Blah, to all the people who I have helped and to all the people who have helped me and been there for me, I’m grateful for the people on Blah who will always be there for me and who I’ll always be there to support no matter what. I love you all <3 (hugs)

    Mood : Bittersweet
    • Happy birthday. Do one nice thing for yourself so you will have one nice memory to remember when weeks and months pass and you will look back to this day without the feelings you are experiencing now.

    • Happy B-day Oli, don’t worry, i second rinseandrep’s words, wise person there.

    • Happy birthday ! have a great birthhday ! this is your day ! come on lets make some party XD

      And cool.

    • Happy birthday! Lots of hugs for you! http://i.123g.us/c/birth_wishes/pc/304008_pc.jpg

    • Happy birthday your a really great person and instead of seeing that what you not done see that what you done I think you can say you have helped more or less everyone on this website At least once your a great and caring person

    • May your day be filled with laughs and smiles. Happy Birthday!

    • *hug*

    • Happy Birthday!!!!!

    • Take a moment to think about you life. What you have accomplished, even if they’re small things. Think about your hopes and your dreams and wishes, and think about how they have affected you. Think about your memories whether they are good or bad. Think about your friends and family, hell, think about anything you want to. And then take that thing and think about how it has changed your perspective on life. For example, if you were going through an emotional time, like a divorce or a breakup, and then something good happened, that made you think positively. You see my friend, these things that you’re thinking of make your life iridescent, changing from bright days, to dark days, and back around. And even though none of us really know what is in store for us, we have to choose to embrace it, and look forward to it. I used to look at the glass half empty, and now I look at it half full. So enjoy your birthday, and enjoy your life, no matter the choices you’ve made, because you might have done something for someone else that helped them, and THAT is a major accomplishment.

    • Happy birthday! I don’t know how to accept you as a friend so I’m sorry for that

    • It was my 24th birthday just days ago and I had the same feeling. So much wasted time.. But still so much time to make up for it. We’re not old enough to be a failure, in the scale of things we’ve only just started trying. We can do it it!

    • Happy Birthday to the sweetest member on blahtherapy :D

    • @oliver you are the last person i would call a failure, life is a struggle, and birthdays can be bittersweet in that they remind you of the passing of time, but you sir have done so much for people and helped build them up so far. you are the embodyment of what this website is about, and i have so much respect for you. you can make it through this and here is hoping you can soar as high as you dream to. Thanks for being here for everyone!

    • oh my oli didnt know it was your bday last week. Happy belated 24th bday Oli!!!. Thank you so much for always being there for me. Bro you are not even close to being pathetic or a failure. You are one of the most helpful and one of the sweetest people in Blah. Hope you stay srong Oli. Wow didnt realize how big our age difference is lol no wonder whenever we talk, its like talking to an older brother who’s really protective and stuff. Love you Oli haha<3

    • you’re a great person and we should be thanking you. you’re always the nr 1 person to be right there at the spot to cheer someone up or just simply reply to a post just to let us know that someone is there, caring and loving. thank you.

    • Sorry it’s late but happy birthday and u r important. You helped me and u didn’t have to but u did and that shows what a kind amazing individual you r. Don’t ever let anyone bring you down because u r the best. Thanks again for being there for me. Bye and hugs

    • Every day I get on here, I see you commenting on posts, empathizing, encouraging, and showing care and love. You are not a failure. You will never be a failure. Now you have a HAPPY birthday. That’s an order :P

    • HappY B”day !!

    • Happy birthday! you aren’t a failure!
      you look out for complete strangers, you should not feel bad. Not everyone has that kind of compassion for others!

    • First off happy birthday 24 is a MILESTONE!!! Also I totally get you, I hate my birthday but your not pathetic and your NOT a failure!!! Your Oli. You make people smile and you inspire others to not give up. Your one of a kind; don’t ever forget that, no matter how bad the days are.

    • anon replied 9 years ago

      happy birthday! you are not a pathetic failure, even a small accomplishment is an accomplishment. You send good vibes to so many people here, and that is something that is very far from a failure!

    • Happy birthday, I guess everyone else said other things :)

    • Happy Birthday Oli!!! Your positive energy will save you. This is a wonderful day! have a blast! yet ’balanced mind’ is key to success is my message for Oli brother today. We are all happy that you ve overcome many things in life!!!
      Please read this article, its a birthday gift!!


    • I told myself I’d never write to anyone on the Blah again. But Oli I have to write for you.
      You have always been here. Whether I want it or not. You’re friends with practically everyone- everyone knows you on the Blah, you hand out cyber-hugs almost as much as I breathe. You’re unbelievably positive; this is the only time I’ve ever heard you doubt yourself; so don’t.
      Your friend request to me came minutes after my arrival. And I may have barely spoken to you in all my years here (I generally don’t like overly optimistic people) but I’m telling you this- don’t give up, get your shit together, and fate will take the rest of it. Because you ARE Blahtherapy, Oli, and you’ll mean more to some people than you’ll ever know. So just make sure you mean something to yourself.
      Happy birthday, Oli.