Annelise said 9 years, 2 months ago:

Probably my biggest fear is people finding out everything about me. My dreams, my depression, my cutting, my writing, my thoughts, everything.

It’s a pretty stupid fear, considering other people’s fears, but it’s my fear.

V said 9 years, 2 months ago:

Why are you afraid of people knowing your fears? Is it because they might not understand you? Is it because the people who will know them will leave you? Fear is a common thing that everyone has. It’s biological, too. Ever heard of “flight or fight”? Unfortunately, you choose flight in those fearful situations. However, fear is not always a bad thing. It leads us to become more aware and cautious in our actions. But, fear can put a barrier and may prevent you from enjoying happy moments. A good quote I found said, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” If you dream to have a successful career, then you should take the baby steps needed to push that fear aside and achieve that successful career. Fear can be a temporary barrier unless you decide to break-free from it. Your dreams are only temporary unless you do the appropriate actions to fulfill them. Then, your dreams can become a reality. As for depression and cutting, I highly suggest talking to a counselor about the situation. I have depression, too. So, it’s nothing to be ashamed of because mental illnesses can happen to people and it’s okay to be afraid of them. And your thoughts and writing can act as your voice. The most powerful ability that humans have is communication. Through our thoughts, emotions, writing, speaking, or any other kind of communication skill, they allow us to fully express ourselves and let us be heard. You posting your fears not only allows yourself to simply state what you are afraid of, but it may help someone along the way who feels the exact same way about themselves. Don’t underestimate your abilities because of your fears. Thank your fears for showing you why you’re scared and allow yourself to put those fears to the test. Show yourself that you are strong.
