• Profile picture of lu
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    lu posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

    How do I conquer my social anxiety and make my life more enjoyable?
    How do I make myself believe that my life may in fact be worth living?
    How do I learn to enjoy myself?
    How do I know when it’s time to start putting myself before others?
    How do I become happy?

    Mood : Uncomfortable
    • Please don’t let anything get you down @peppercorn40, you are such a fantastic and awesome person who deserves all the best that life has to offer, everything will be OK and things will work out, focus on the things that put a smile on your face and that make you feel wonderful, do what makes you comfortable and at ease, hold your head up high…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of lu
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    lu started the forum topic I fear Myself in the group Group logoWhat are we afraid of? 8 years, 5 months ago

    I have social anxiety. I’ve started sixth form at a new college. My old school friends have all made new friends and I cant bring myself to interact with people properly. Sometimes when im on the train on my way […]

  • Profile picture of lu
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    lu became a registered member 8 years, 10 months ago