goldenslumberer said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I’m afraid of being alone… I hate to admit that.

NicNac said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I’m actually being afraid of being alone too, yet I contradict myself because I spend a lot of time secluded from people. I guess I’m afraid of losing people (even those I hardly know), and in that sense of being alone.

goldenslumberer said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Yes…of losing people. That is a big fear for me..

IceEdge said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I am afraid of being alone, but I think I’m more afraid of being forgotten by someone. Basically by anyone, but mainly by those I care about

Matt said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Thats my biggest fear I was with someone I thought would never end after 6 years she cheated and now I don’t know if I could find someone that will be worth my time that wont do that to me again

CGK said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I am afraid of both being alone, and being in love. I am afraid of love because I am afraid of the heartbreak. To me, heartbreak is the worst thing that can happen to me. I know there ARE worse things out there, but its my personal hell to live through it. But then on the flip side I am afraid to be alone. I want to love someone, and I want them to love me as much as I love them. But I fear I will never find that person, therefore I will be alone. Or that I will find them, love them, and then at some point they will realize they dont love me, and then the heartbreak follows. I am damned if I do and damned if I dont.

Niko said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I’m afraid of being with someone and still feeling lonely…

It’s a Secret to Everybody said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I’m afraid of not finding someone who’ll love me for me…

Or being with someone, and ending up heartbroken again…

Fira said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I’m actually not afraid being alone. But I’m afraid of losing people I love.

Katia said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I became afraid of being alone since people started walking away from me for no reason. I also spend my time alone because when I am with people, I am invisible and extremely lonely

Deleted User said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I’m terrified of being completely alone. If i where the last person on earth I would probably just curl up and die. That’s why i try my hardest to surround myself with people that will always be there for me.

Misbah K said 10 years, 2 months ago:

My biggest fear is being alone, I just can’t stand it. If I’m alone in a room, I tend to switch on the TV or play loud music just so that I can pretend like there are other people in the room. I find it really difficult to go out anywhere by myself and tend to feel very uncomfortable when I’m alone. I literally cannot go to the mall or the grocery store alone, I need atleast one other person with me.

I guess my fears began when I saw a lot of family and friends pass away over the years, I attended my first funeral when I was 4 and I guess the image is just stuck in my head and I’m scared that my family and friends will all leave me and eventually I’ll be the only one. I even have nightmares where I’m rich and living in a beautiful house which is really big but it’s empty and it’s made of this sort of glass where I can see everyone else interacting but for some reason I can’t participate.

But it’s okay as long as I surround myself with family and friends, I can control it.

Quiet Island said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I find it’s fine if I’m completely alone, I can just get on with stuff. It’s only bad when there are other people about who aren’t alone, then I’m more aware of what’s missing and how vulnerable I am.

MissUnderstood said 10 years, 2 months ago:

My biggest fear is losing the people I love.. I’m a pretty anxious person anyway, but the idea of losing anyone close to me seems unimaginably horrible. I think everyone fears this.. But If I had to choose a biggest fear, that would be it. Eg, If someone goes out somewhere for a very long time, eventually I’ll call them. And I’ll keep calling them until they pick up, because all these dreadful scenarios will be running through my mind, convincing me more and more that something’s wrong.. Until they pick up; And then I feel so ridiculous lol

safe&sound said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I am so afraid of being alone, being abandoned. It makes me feel unloved & unwanted.