Abz said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I have been debating with my inner self weather or not i am gay or straight and in order to do so i found myself in a few short relationships with both men and women… after awhile i found i was still attracted to both genders so i considered myself bisexual. however i had kept this secret from both my family and friend and once i told my friend i thought i was bi she simply called me “Greedy” and that “People like me should just pick a side and stick to it” I’m more mad then anything but now I’m also considering that maybe she’s right what I’m still just discovering my sexuality and need more time to think it through, then again i am already 21 and i doubt i could discover much more about myself. and don’t people say you don’t pick who you love, love is universal so what if they are a man or a woman or either… I’m just so confused right now HELP!

Emily said 9 years, 10 months ago:

She is being very narrow-minded, and she is wrong. There is no reason you should feel greedy or guilty just because you’re attracted to both sexes. She is not your true friend as long as she makes you feel bad for being who you are. I hope you can become confident and proud of who you are despite what people like her have to say about it!!

Humanist Hope said 9 years, 10 months ago:


“Pick a side and stick to it” is textbook ignorant bigotry. You go right on and ignore that moronic person. I am bisexual, and I wouldn’t have two words to say to someone who said such an inappropriate and insensitive statement to me.

There is nothing wrong with being bisexual. You’re not being “greedy”, you just like both genders, and that is perfectly okay.

Swifting said 9 years, 10 months ago:

Brain development doesn’t end until you’re 24 or so. It wouldn’t shock me if your sexuality was still in stages of changing.

I’m Bisexual. I’m not greedy. I’m not selfish. I’m not attracted to EVERYONE. But, I’m not going to rule someone out because they do or do not have a penis.

This is a great video on Bisexuality and the myths and the truths… I’m always open to talk if you’d like to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j63sq5qTIok

I also would like to state that it’s ludicrous to try to change who you are and who you’re attracted to because of what other people will think – it’s your relationship. At the end of the day it has to be with the person you want to be climbing into bed with.

Deleted User said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I am straight and definitely greedy, if I were bisexual I would have died of aids by now..

Abz said 9 years, 10 months ago:

thank you for all your support <3 it means the world and rheloric thanks for the laugh i needed it X

Ara Lellan said 9 years, 10 months ago:

Agreeing with all of the above. Bisexuality is real and perfectly okay. Think of it as not being sexist about who you’re attracted to :P

Hayden said 9 years, 10 months ago:

Bisexuality is not synonymous with being greedy. People who are bisexual are not greedy FOR being bisexual.
What your friend said was from ignorance and is how a lot of people unfortunately feel about bisexuality, but that doesn’t mean it’s true. It’s perfectly fine to be bisexual — It’s perfectly fine to be YOU.
Whether you’re 100% positive of your sexuality or not, only YOU can determine that. Not anybody else, because you know yourself best.
So whatever your sexuality may be, don’t ever let other people’s opinions on it force you into considering that their negativity is what’s true.
Find the people who love and accept you for who you are and it will all become much clearer. I wish you the best.

Ara Lellan said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I just re-found this Christian bisexual slogan and I had to post it on here.
‘God said Adam and Eve, not Adam OR Eve.’

OpenTalk said 9 years, 10 months ago:

Most modern gender studies suggest that human sexuality exists on a spectrum of bisexuality; some humans prefer men a little more than women, others women more than men, and a few sit evenly between the two.

All that is important is that you understand that you are free to be with whomever makes you happy, providing they treat you with the respect and emotional care you deserve.

Keep loving who you love.

livinginhell4ever said 9 years, 6 months ago:

You’re friend is not very open-minded and cannot stand things that she cannot fathom for herself.

TheFastLane said 9 years, 6 months ago:

You are not greedy. You may just be bisexual, and that’s perfectly normal. Many people (like your friend) don’t believe in bisexuality, so that’s why they say things like “You’re just confused” or “Pick a side, gay or straight!” But your sexuality exists, you’re not greedy, so don’t listen to your friend! You’re awesome!

Deleted User said 9 years, 5 months ago:

Plenty of people are bixesual, you can’t always tell by looking at their partner especially if they’re in a committed monogamous relationship. People tend to assume one is either gay or straight dependent upon the gender of one’s current partner.

Being bi doesn’t make one confused, slutty or greedy. Those are just old, tired stereotypes that silly people sling around because they don’t know any better.

Princen said 9 years, 5 months ago:

Being bisexual doesn’t make you greedy and you certainly don’t need to “pick a side”. That’s just biphobic bullshit that people like to spew. All being bisexual is is being attracted to people of the same and different genders. This doesn’t make anyone inherently greedy or slutty or whatever else people like to say. There are tons of wonderful monogamous bisexuals and there are lots of bisexuals who do like to have lots of sex with different people. BUT THIS ISN’T BECAUSE THEY’RE BISEXUAL! Your sexual practices aren’t relative to your sexuality, all your sexuality affects is WHO you have these sexual practices with. Don’t listen to people who make you feel bad just because you’re bi or are questioning your sexuality.