Jess said 10 years, 3 months ago:

I am trying to get past a fire that made my family have to leave my childhood home. I suffer from panic attacks from the experience now and I have been having trouble getting passed everything from the time of the fire on. I am finding that helping others helps me piece together my situation a bit more and distracts me enough to help me feel less depressed over what I lost. I feel like since the fire was 9 months ago I need to be over it, but I am also learning that people get over things at different speeds.
I am on here mostly to listen, but I figured I would share part of my story so people know it I guess? I actually don’t know, I guess I just felt like on a website for venting I should let people know my side too?

Oli said 10 years, 3 months ago:

You will get better, you can make it through this and beat this pain, you are a really strong, amazing and beautiful person, you can move forward, keep going, if you need to talk or need someone to listen, I’m here :) (hugs)

Britt said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Fire sounds like a traumatizing event. The loss of a home is still a loss. There’s still grief attached to it. Try not to hold yourself to some idealized timeline of healing. We all handle pain differently. While we have the option to grow from it, we must do so on our own time frame. So focus on the healing not the calendar. :)