gabby said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I’ve tried. I’ve tried so hard to stop the pain i’ve felt before to stop getting into my head for ages. I can’t feel happiness when all I’m doing is faking it, I can’t remember the last time I actually felt happy. I’m feeling more morbid, I’m feeling more depressed and I’m feeling more suicidal. Years and years I’ve felt like this and it just becomes worse and worse.
I’ve helped so many people when it comes to them feeling down, I’m always the one who has helped them back up again. But me? It feels like everyone around me is a bystander which is just as bad as being the one who has caused the pain. No one has been able to help me at the right time.
My PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) keeps ruining my days for me, making me remember all the bullying, the words, the nightmares, the depression, everything really. Ever since I stopped therapy sessions, I’ve relapsed.
I hate this. I really do. Now, I feel everything in my dreams/nightmares and the way I’d get hit, scared and cut. I’d remember everything in flashbacks no matter how many times I forget.
All of this must be hard to even deal with, which is why I don’t tell my friends or family anymore about my problems. I don’t want them to be over-protective nor disappointed in me. It’s best if I’m written, not spoken.

I just want to be the happy person that didn’t give a shit but sadly, I doubt that will ever happen.

Deleted User said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Everyone deserves to be heard. If you are feeling this way you should reach out and let someone know. Try therapy again. Everyone is human. Rise up.

gabby said 10 years, 4 months ago:

i know but the problem is: i have social anxiety. therapy didn’t help because what i was told to do and was asked didn’t help me and it sucks. i’ve tried and nothing has worked tbh.

niki said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Im sorry ur feeling this way, I to am depressed n spend my days in my room. When I have to work I suck it up but my boss knows when im faking it and it really does suck to go on with my life faking it. I dont want to tell anyone of my problem as I don’t want them to look down on me. My family thinks im just a bitch but its the pain they dont see past my bitchiness. Its all because of them so why would expect them ro xare.

Ive contacted a support group in my area n just have to show up n listen ro peoples peoblems n when u get comfortable enough u can share ur pain. Try n see if that helps u.

Oli said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I’m here for you, you are not alone, stay strong (hugs)

Nugget said 10 years, 4 months ago:

You should try different therapist/councellors/psychologists even find support groups with people of similarities to you! even here is good to open up and there will be many people around who feel the same as you, maybe you can help each other through everything you are struggling with!
Keep believing in yourself and looking towards the future! i hope you find what need to help you through everything. If you need someone to vent too come here and there are many many people who are willing to give friendly advice! x