Coolsoda said 9 years ago:

This is food you dont have to be a master to make, just easy things you can find in your pantry, or even stuff you’ve created. For ex. I always start with a can of cream of mushroom, and then I throw in spinach, carrots, mushrooms, garlic and pepper and Voila Perfection!!

Coolsoda said 9 years ago:

Also drinks are included: to give another example I like to put peppermint candies in my tea, it makes it taste better and also adds to the consistency, it becomes very smooth, and no sugar needed.

UsernameDenied said 8 years, 1 month ago:

I’m a big fan of wasabi egg salad sandwich. It’s your basic egg salad sandwich only with some wasabi in the egg-paste part. Just for that lil kick. It taste great on toasted bread with cucumbers. yummy. Also a fan of roulette devil eggs. Same concept, use wasabi in the egg-paste part, add it to some of the eggs add sesame seeds on top for that added texture and let the games begin. No one knows when things are going to get spicey so it’s fun for like a games night. thats all I can think of at the top of my head.