daddysgirl said 11 years ago:

I was curious what are other people’s secrets to making good chocolate chip cookies that don’t flatten. Everybody has their own way of making good chocolate chip cookies. My secrets are making sure the butter is softened not melted and I throw in a little extra flour. Then they are delicious! What are some of yours?

Swifting said 11 years ago:

I know nothing about baking but I saw a pin for this on Pinterest. It showed pictures of cookies and told you what ingredient you over used or if you had cooked at the wrong temp.

Swifting said 11 years ago:

I found it!!! YAY!

Shows you what went wrong and how to fix (allegedly). Hope this helps…

daddysgirl said 11 years ago:

I loved that website! Thanks! It was very informative.

Coolsoda said 9 years, 1 month ago:

I always go crazy and never follow the recipe to a T but I like to put in coffee grounds or sometimes, peppermint, or even a pinch of cayenne pepper if i’m feeling crrrrazy! And for the record mine always flatten and I have to scrape them off with a butter knife, im gonna look that app though