Garrick said 11 years, 2 months ago:

I feel as if woman are putting me down. I mean all my friends have a girlfriend or a girl hitting on them but still I never get any whatsoever. I donno if It’s because I’m shy but everytime I start something with a girl she ends up with someone else. Girls tell me yo I need some time and the next day I see them kissing another guy It’s like I’m being used or something. I mean am I really that bad? To be a usable toy or something like that? sincerly with all due respect I’m losing hope in the woman race cause quit francly I don’t trust non

‘ Garrick

PS: If a girl does hit on me or I hit on her she has a boyfriend alwaysss!!!

rayman1030 said 11 years, 2 months ago:

I can see how that would be so very frustrating.

I recently went through a break up with my ex and it was one of those “I need time to myself” type breakups.

When they say this, it usually means they got bored unfortunately. And as bad as it is, it’s just bad luck.

You’ll get through this and find someone eventually, just gotta put yourself out there!