Elurophobia said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Yes, I still have scars on my face from when my grandma’s dog ripped my cheek and forehead. I’m actually not scared of dogs, even though that happened… :P

Have you ever laughed so hard no sound came out? xD

The Author said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Yep, most definitely. I was watching Mrs. Brown’s Boys at the time.

Have you ever had a plot idea arrive fully formed in your head?

Alexandra said 10 years, 3 months ago:

As a writer I WISH that would happen to me!

Have you ever done something you were scared to do, and it was just as scary as you thought it would be?

Steve said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Yes I came out to my friends! Was terrified!

Have you ever came out to anyone?

The Author said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Never really had anything to come out about – unless playing bowls counts?

Have you ever been horribly afraid to ask someone out?

Alexandra said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Yes! I asked my first boyfriend out and I was shaking the whole time. Thankfully he said yes lol.

What would you attempt if you knew you could NOT fail?

NicNac said 10 years, 3 months ago:


Have you ever found a snake in your boot?(I’m watching Toy Story–don’t judge..)

Awww man! said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Never in my boot, but while in Arizona, I went into the garage and there WAS a bull snake snoozing on my flip flops!

Have you ever been slapped in the face?

Pond said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Yes, my mom slapped me once a few years ago.

Have you ever laughed in a serious situation?

The Author said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Better – I made everyone laugh in a serious situation today. Basically, there was a group interview for the head’s post at my school, and I cracked a joke – everyone laughed except the candidate, which meant well over 30 people. Oh dear :L

Have you ever been crying for no reason at all?

Deleted User said 10 years, 3 months ago:

None that I remember of. There were a few weeks sometime ago when I had really been in the lowest point of my life and was self-harming. I badly needed catharsis to purge all the negative emotions out and couldn’t find any aside from cutting myself because, weirdly, I couldn’t make myself cry. (But, I swear, I cry fairly easily, normally.)

Have you ever stolen something?

The Author said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Yep. Several pizzas from a school canteen. Smuggled them out between my bag and myself, while paying 60p for a cookie. But I was a wee young thing at the time.

Have you ever successfully pranked someone?

Boone said 10 years, 3 months ago:

When I was a kid, I put Vaseline on my parents’ car door handles, and it was so funny to watch them try to figure out what gross goop had just gotten on their hand! My little brother decided to copy me though, and put Vaseline on every kind of handle in the house…..I’m talking EVERYTHING from the fridge handle to the door to our dog’s kennel to the dishwasher handle. My mom was pretty upset that he had gotten the idea from me, so I was the one who had to clean it all up, but it was worth it to see anyone’s face when it got on their hand.

Have you ever been so embarrassed about something that you still get anxiety when you think about it now?

Pond said 10 years, 3 months ago:

Oh yeah, about many things. Years ago my sister came up behind me to scare me and I thought it was my older brother and I turned around and punched her in the stomach and she fell into the wall.. I guess that’s more guilt than embarrassment.

Have you ever gone somewhere you wouldn’t normally go just to people watch?

Jenn said 10 years, 3 months ago:

I’ve been people watching in three different forests because I’m curious about the types of people who hang out in forests to begin with.

Have you ever just gotten sick of snow and cold weather?