• Profile picture of Oli
    active 3 days, 18 hours ago

    - "My life holds absolutely no meaning and no purpose, I’m 32, no friends, no social life, no romantic relationship, no goals, hopes, dreams or aspirations, no hobbies or interests, nothing in my depressing life, I’m […] "View
    Experience with: Bullying, Depression, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Marta
    Familiar Face
    active 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    - "Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since the last update. Not much to mention. I had good days and bad days. I’m managing my emotions with the resources I have, and trying to stay grounded. I hope you are all […] "View
    Experience with: Bullying, Careers, Depression, Eating Disorders, Education, Mental Disorders, Phobias, Relationships, Sexuality, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of (◣_◢)Poet
    Common Friend
    active 3 years, 5 months ago

    - "@oliver , What’s up, I hope all is well. Thank you for continuing to be a kind citizen. "View
    Experience with: Abuse, Addiction, Bullying, Depression, Education, General, Grieving, Health & Fitness, Parenting, Relationships, Self Harm, Sexuality, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Indubitibly pulchritudinous
    Familiar Face
    active 5 years, 8 months ago

    - "I love my best friend! "View
    Experience with: Addiction, Depression, General, Relationships, Self Harm, Sexuality, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Savannah
    Familiar Face
    active 5 years, 8 months ago

    - "Love is a mistake. "View
    Experience with: Abuse, Bullying, Depression, Education, Grieving, Mental Disorders, Relationships, Self Harm, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Golda
    Familiar Face
    active 7 years ago

    - "Life is not that bad nor too good. but I’m happy of what I have right now. Not too much and not less. "View
    Experience with: Addiction, Bullying, Depression, Eating Disorders, Relationships, Self Harm, Sexuality, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Guardian
    Passing Stranger
    active 7 years, 6 months ago

    - "Fuck… "View
    Experience with: Abuse, Addiction, Bullying, Careers, Depression, Education, General, Grieving, Health & Fitness, Mental Disorders, Relationships, Sexuality, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of redlove96
    Familiar Face
    active 7 years, 10 months ago

    - "Jesus it’s been a while.. "View
    Experience with: Abuse, Bullying, Depression, Eating Disorders, Grieving, Mental Disorders, Relationships, Self Harm, Sexuality, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of mia
    Passing Stranger
    active 9 years ago

    - "wweeeelllll "View
    Experience with: Addiction, Depression, General, Mental Disorders, Parenting, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Shadow-Hate
    Familiar Face
    active 9 years, 1 month ago
    Experience with: Bullying, Depression, Education, Self Harm, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Michael18
    Common Friend
    active 9 years, 2 months ago

    - "Does anyone else have a problem with private messages getting shortened or changing the order of paragraphs or deleting paragraphs by themselves on this site?This is getting REALLY annoying… "View
    Experience with: Abuse, Bullying, Depression, General, Phobias, Relationships, Self Harm, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Lilly
    Passing Stranger
    active 9 years, 2 months ago

    - "”It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never- satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and […] "View
    Experience with: Bullying, Depression, Education, Relationships, Self Harm, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Amy
    Passing Stranger
    active 9 years, 2 months ago

    - "I’m back after a long time away! A year and a bit under my belt and a whole lot of learning has gone down! "View
    Experience with: Abuse, Bullying, Depression, Eating Disorders, General, Mental Disorders, Relationships, Self Harm, Sexuality, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Kat
    Passing Stranger
    active 9 years, 4 months ago
    Experience with: Abuse, Addiction, Bullying, Depression, Mental Disorders, Relationships, Self Harm, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of FrenchFry
    active 9 years, 5 months ago

    - "Someone tell me a story. I want to hear something interesting. "View
    Experience with: Addiction, Depression, Eating Disorders, General, Relationships, Self Harm, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of russiandoll
    active 9 years, 6 months ago

    - "Hey all! Feel free to check out my poetry! I could use all the support I can get! :) Thank you!http://wildfirepoetry.weebly.com "View
    Experience with: Abuse, Addiction, Depression, Eating Disorders, General, Health & Fitness, Marriage, Mental Disorders, Relationships, Self Harm, Sexuality
  • Profile picture of Sam
    Passing Stranger
    active 9 years, 6 months ago

    - "Well me and her broke up after 2 months. I moved in with mom and grandma. A lot has happened since I was last on here "View
    Experience with: Bullying, Depression, Education, Grieving, Mental Disorders, Phobias, Relationships, Self Harm, Sexuality, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Ghostly
    Passing Stranger
    active 9 years, 7 months ago

    - "thank you based whatever "View
    Experience with:
  • Profile picture of Stop words of hate
    Passing Stranger
    active 9 years, 8 months ago

    - "I finally have someone who likes me for me "View
    Experience with: Abuse, Bullying, Phobias, Relationships, Self Harm, Social Anxiety
  • Profile picture of Blossoming_road
    Passing Stranger
    active 9 years, 9 months ago
    Experience with: Abuse, Addiction, Careers, Depression, Eating Disorders, Education, General, Health & Fitness, Marriage, Parenting, Phobias, Relationships, Self Harm, Social Anxiety