
Display Name


About Me

I am a normal girl, just like any other 16 year old. I like to have fun, and just not worry. I have many fears, but I try to get over them. I want to be carefree and happy. I've been through a lot, but have always found a solution to my every problem. I love to help people, it makes me feel good. I like to make people smile. I don't like it when people are sad, it makes me feel guilty. I do everything I can to make someones day. All I need, is just say a few words to make someone smile, and all you need, is just say a few positive words to make someone smile. Make someones day, and it will make you feel like a hero. I might not be 18, but I can love whoever I want, make someones day, and at least try to be happy. I am weird and I try to think positive, but sometimes it isn't easy at all.
KIk: shaenz
Message me, if u need someone to talk to.





Experienced with

Addiction, Bullying, Depression, Mental Disorders, Sexuality

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