• Profile picture of hyrulian
    Passing Stranger
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    hyrulian posted an update 8 years ago

    How strong people think ”If you’re not dying from it, stop complaining about it. Or do something. But do not continue your stupidity and complain like a moron.”
    It’s your own fault if you suffer, nature doesn’t like weakness. The right of the strongest, natural selection and all that crap, it applies to us humans too.

    • Oli replied 8 years ago

      As long as we try to help each other and make people smile @hyrulian, that’s what matters :)

    • ”Helping”. What is ”helping”? If you view the world in interests and competition, what interest would ”helping” serve?

      Even ”helping” is selective, beautiful and strong people get 20x more help then weak and ugly people.

      Every human serves their own self interest, sometimes you just need to help others to self that self interest.

    • deleted my comment because i read your comment wrong… yes, some people do think like that, but not necessarily strong. that way of thinking is pretty much prevalent in a lot of the successful people we see today, i don’t really think many people can be cruel enough to think like that but from a business point of view that’s pretty much true

    • @hyrulian ”The right of the strongest, natural selection and all that crap, it applies to us humans too.” First of all we are humans, which means we have a personality and a brain that functions differently than an animal. An animal can not have mental disorders like we do. So you’re already wrong.
      Second thing ”It’s your own fault if you suffer” so if I take a bullet it’s my fault for bleeding? I’m taking this to an extreme but I want you to understand how silly this sounds to me.
      How can you come to a website of this nature and public something so ignorant like this?
      I didn’t choose to be bullied. I didn’t choose to have guys calling me names even though I’m educated and I only had 2 boyfriends in my life.
      So last thing I want to say is: if you come here,come to support people or don’t come at all.
      Thank you very much and have a nice day.

    • This… Also, let me take out my scalpel for a minute here…

      How strong people think ”If you’re not dying from it, stop complaining about it. Or do something. But do not continue your stupidity and complain like a moron.”
      *I could write a book about this single line. These ”strong people” aren’t strong, they are well adapted, that could mean…in the case of many politicians for instance, that they are slimey, lying, psychotic sociopaths who will eat their own young to get ahead. Currently, for example, I am pretty terribly adapted for our current society, but if we were to go Mad Max in the event of a total system collapse…. I would thrive. And I’m not talking about some childish power fantasy, unfortunately high stress, life or death situations seem to be the one area in life that I absolutely dominate…just such at everything else when it comes to interacting with society.*

      It’s your own fault if you suffer, nature doesn’t like weakness. The right of the strongest, natural selection and all that crap, it applies to us humans too.
      *This, once again…is about the ”fittest” and fitness doesn’t mean physically strong, this statement isn’t even pseudo-intellectual, it’s too lazy to even complete itself…and it’s fatally wrong on top of that. Listen, this is Natural Selection…and the scummy, coward, slimy assholes who get to top because of businesses their great grandfathers started, usually through some form of illegal activity, war crimes, fraud, etc…These trust fund shits like to pat themselves on the back and reassure themselves with this petty notion of ”Social Darwinism” so they can tell themselves that they are superior…obviously, because they ended up at the top of society.*

      The truth is, from THIS perspective, nihilistic biological procreation being the primary objective…then the billionaires who get married and have 1-3 kids…or even NO KIDS…are genetic FAILURES, the equivalent to a ”Zeta Male” and are weeded out of the gene pool…meanwhile, all those poor people in the slums and ghettos all across the world… are breeding like rabbits. Spreading their genes far and wide. Some gang banger might knock up 7-10 women before he’s gunned down at 18-20…and his genetic legacy will me exponentially more vast and far reaching than ANY billionaire with a wife and nuclear family.

      The ”truth” is that we aren’t just stupid animals reacting to our environment, we SHAPE our environment. WE decide, regardless if found through religion, philosophy, science, delusion, etc…our purposes in life, WE each, have to individually decide what WE value and what is important….what carries value in our world.

      One last thing… us ”helping” each other to form these massive societies, to create such incredibly vast countries all under a unified leadership structure…then replicating this system 196 TIMES across the globe, all cooperative and competing ”super organisms”…humans will be fine… but you should really ONLY…and I mean ONLY…be worried about yourself….

      …aaaaand obviously your ”tribe”…people which you mutually benefit from one another and so one…yeah it’s in our best interest to be social animals vs. at the least 95% die off that would occur if cities magically vanished and we were all cast out to live in the woods alone.

    • @nightwake I have so much to say but honestly..this was perfect. Honestly perfect

    • whoa that’s deep trevor