• Profile picture of OrderoftheHalfBlood
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    OrderoftheHalfBlood posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    It sucks when you’re struggling with generalized anxiety disorder and people don’t understand what you’re going through. I’ve been given medication, and it has helped me a lot through nursing school, (which is very stressful) and naturally because it is nursing school I still find myself stressing out from time to time. My grandmother said this to my next door neighbour, except she didn’t really say I had GAD but just that even though I was on medication I still stress out from time to time, and my neighbour had the audacity to say that I’m only stressing out for parent’s attention, and that I’m in a loop that I can’t get out of. You know, because it’s not like I’m in nursing school and I’m going into a very hard clinical next semester. Yup. I’m certainly only doing it to get my parent’s attention. It’s not like my stress is rational or anything. How dare I still have anxiety even though I’m on medication! I also HATE attention. It’s why I normally like to stay quiet in crowds and go on here to vent instead of talking to my friends. I do vent to my mother and father, but why wouldn’t I? I don’t do it for attention, they give me enough of that as it is, but I do it because I trust them and they always help me back on my feet again when I feel so lost. I just hate being accused of something I’m not. Now I feel reluctant to ever express my stress to someone again.

    Mood : Sad
    • Don’t let your neighbour be horrible and mean to you @orderofthehalfblood, those around you should help, support and sympathise with you, hold your head up high and focus on getting yourself to a better place emotionally and mentally, it’s good that your parents are there for you, remember you will make it and come out so much stronger, believe in yourself and never give up, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, you can do it, message me anytime if you want to chat, my inbox is always open, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • Bless you as always, Oli. :) You are such a sweet person. I am thankful and grateful for the positive vibes you always send me and others.

    • @orderofthehalfblood How did you come to know that they said?

    • I was out for the evening, and when I came home my grandmother told me that my next door neighbour came over to offer her tickets to Star Wars and at some point in their conversation they got talking about my anxiety and my grandmother said that my neighbour said what she said.

    • @orderofthehalfblood I see, is your grandma someone whom you can ask to not relay negative uninformed opinions?

    • Not without her getting angry at me for three days straight. She takes everything to heart. We’ve worked through it though, and were able to realize how it doesn’t make sense that I would be stressing for attention given what I’m stressing about and because I have GAD.

    • Not without her getting angry at me for three days straight. She takes everything to heart. We’ve worked through it though, and were able to realize how it doesn’t make sense that I would be stressing for attention given what I’m stressing about and because I have GAD.

    • Hey @aprxl I might take you up on that offer. :)