Deleted User said 8 years, 11 months ago:

I was a very early bloomer with things emotionally,I was captain of the baseball team, dated girls that were models, on the dance team, etc. and went into college with a lot of friends, independence, etc. and thought I had a pretty good handle on things ie.) Be sure to communicate with people, be empathetic, be open and honest about nudity, sex, etc. since these are all things that lead to break-ups and divorce most of the time.

Now that college has ended for me, I actually think you and I may be in a more similar boat than can be expected. I am no longer in contact with most of the people I used to talk with, I don’t play sports any longer, and am no longer ”known”, so I can’t just randomly talk about things like I used to.

I’ve realized that I have reached the age where genuine compliments can be mistaken as ”creepy” and ”being a player” and it’s been really rough for me. I have become incredibly lonely, confused at who I am and where I should be. I mean I used to be able to instant message someone, text, them, etc. and be able to talk with them about ANYTHING and everything and just be open. Now that’s not the case and it really has caused some discomfort in my life.

Because once you are so used to being alone, it is tough to get out there and start being more social and to get the ball rolling in life. At the same time, when you are so used to people wanting to talk with you and hang out with you, to be thrown into ”the real world” and having that be the exact opposite, it can be tough to kind of slow things down and figure out how things should be.

tdzangel said 8 years, 11 months ago:

Hi Luke,
I think all adults can sympathise with the transition from teen to adult and the confusion that can come with it. All I can really recommend is to surround yourself with a group of people, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a big group, with whom you can be yourself and be natural and relaxed. The confidence boost from having that small network of trusted friends will help you build yourself back up and figure out the finer points of developing your adult personality. Or of course, you could try to stop caring what others think and just be yourself. The people who appreciate that will be drawn even closer to you and those that don’t are free to do whatever they want, that’s the method I have chosen in life, and now I have a great group of friends who mean the world to me and accept me for who I am. If you’d ever like someone to talk to, feel free to drop me a message :) All the best, TDZ :)