Deleted User said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Okay, my friend is a girl who likes to talk about guys (I’m a guy, so it made me uncomfortable). One of her friends is a Gay male. One day I thought about it (deeply), I concluded that I was attracted to guys because all through my life I have seen guys as attractive, but I didn’t think ‘romantically’. And today, I’ve known this guy for a year and a half and I really like him. Like I LOVE him, I want him like how I’ve wanted women in the past. I talked to a Gay friend of mine one day and he asked me if I like anyone and I said yes. Then he asked “Is it (her name)?”, I responded, “No, I’m just friends with her. Besides, it’s not a girl.” Then he asked, “Is there something that you’re not telling me?” I blushed, my face was very red, I was totally flustered. He asked me if I was Gay and I said, “No, I’m Bi.” Then he said that I was brave to tell him. Lately whenever I talk about the guy that I like, I blush, but he’s the first guy that I ever wanted romantically. Is it just a phase? Don’t get me wrong, if I’m Bi, I’m okay with it; I just want to know that what I’m feeling is real and not my hormones.

Jess said 10 years, 7 months ago:

I think hormones only really account for sexual attraction. Romantic attraction is more mental, for lack of a better term. Your hormones are to do with your body, your body wants sexual experience, your brain may or may not agree with it, but I think romantic attraction is on a different level, separate from sexual attraction.

It’s hard to say whether or not things are phases, they do happen no doubt, usually during puberty so when you ask yourself if it is a phase, remember that phases are SHORT periods of time.

You may just be bisexual. Many people don’t figure it out until their late teens, or even later. Bisexuality doesn’t mean that you’re equally attracted to boys and girls either, it can be mostly girls or mostly boys, sometimes it can be only girls for a little while. Sexuality is fluid and it can change all the time. It’s important to remember to be open to it and just go with it.

Even if it is a phase, it doesn’t mean what you’re feeling isn’t real. Everything you feel is real and valid. If you in a few years figure out you’re definitely bisexual, these feelings were real. If you in a few years figure out you’re straight, these feelings are still real.

I hope this helps.