The 10th Doctor said 10 years, 6 months ago:

I am male and have all my life been attracted to girls, but lately I have been occasionally a little aroused by other guys. I would consider myself bi-curious but I’m not sure :/
Can I still be straight even if I am a little sexually attracted to men in addition to my sexual attraction to women? I’m a teenager, by the way.

LittleFishie said 10 years, 6 months ago:

You’re free to be attracted to who ever you want! I identify as straight, but I have girl-crushes all the time (Billie Piper’s a fantastic example of this!)

To you I say allons-y!

DayDreamer said 10 years, 6 months ago:

I guess this is the time where you (we) realize that Sexuality labels limit us. I, for one, have my attractions to both genders on differing scales and levels. Sexuality is too big to be put in a box, it has too many variables!

But hey, maybe this is just a phase your in. It happens a lot actually, when you just want to explore sexual options.

But if it’s not, then just try to accept yourself. Reflect. Be enlightened.

Be Free of labels mate :)