Jol Garet said 10 years, 7 months ago:

So I know that I am gay, it is not something that I am doubtful of. When I realized I was sure, I came out to everyone I know. However I lost a few friends but thats okay, they weren’t that great of friends, however I have one friend who decided she loved me even more. She is now even more sexual with me no matter how often I tell her I am gay. I also find that a lot of girls think because I am gay, they want to tell me all about their periods and their vaginal nastiness. Is this a common thing in High school?

smokeyTHEcat said 10 years, 7 months ago:

As annoying as it can be sometimes, women WILL tell you gross things like that. It happened to me when I came out too. It kind of stopped after I finished high school, but some close female friends still “confide” things like that in me.
Women WANT to talk to a gay guy. I DON’T know why. Maybe because women think men are simple, where as women are spiteful, complicated creatures, so its easier to confide in a guy that they don’t have to worry about a sexual attraction to, rather than a woman who may stab them in the back, or not be as honest as a lot of gay guys.

Thats my take on it anyway. lol

SaffMM said 10 years, 7 months ago:

A lot of women feel that they can trust gays with their ‘secrets’ or emotions. They like to talk to guys, but like gay guys even more because they think that you’re more likely to understand them than some random jock. Women are weird…… Or they just support your gayness and want to know all your dirty secrets as well…..

Moth said 10 years, 7 months ago:

It sounds like your friends are more interested in your sexuality than they are in you as a person. You don’t have to put up with that, especially sexual harassment. Tell them you’re not comfortable with the way they speak to you, and if they want to talk about periods and stuff maybe they should talk to someone more qualified?

And smokeyTHEcat, it’s pretty sexist to call women “spiteful, complicated creatures”. Think before you say something offensive.