Notreallythough said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Feeling awkward and ugly and out of place despite me being equipped
I wear name brand makeup I know how to do my hair and makeup ut I still feel awkward ugly girls will be out acting like their prettier than me not turning away or looking down like how their supposed to be,I have big boobs I get invites all the time but never go,Cause I don’t want to go out I always feel weird after talking to friends wondering what they though of me,people tell me I look stressed old friends I used to kick it with don’t talk to me,But will add me on facebook but not messege back it doesn’t make sense The on ly thing I have going for me is my looks If I was ugly and this fucked up inside it might be all over for me,I just pray and hope everyday that things get better I wear a rosary and special birthday bracelet my mom gave me for strength

noworries1620 said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Sweetheart, I think you need to take a step back. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The girls that you are speaking about have confidence. They like themselves as they are. They aren’t acting prettier. You should be proud of you, you should love you…..WITHOUT THE MAKE UP. Love who you are as a person. And quit worrying about the other people. They are just as scared that you are judging them, as you are that they are judging you.Peace.