Alvana said 10 years, 9 months ago:

I know that the site has a policy that if you enter the chat, you certify that you are not suicidal. What should you do if you’re put in a situation with someone who’s having suicidal thoughts, who entered chat without reading that? I’m really scared of being in such a position, since I lack the proper training. Maybe someone with more experience can explain what the procedure should be?

Jess said 10 years, 9 months ago:

I guess you just occupy their time and distract them from their urges. You can ask where they live and get some local Hotlines or websites as well as encourage them to tell someone they trust about how they feel. Most won’t tell anyone so they Hotlines and websites and things could help. There’s not a lot you can do, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it. Just do the best you can.

Smoot said 10 years, 8 months ago:

It’s happened to me a few times. Here’s what I tried…
-Asking ‘have you chosen a method?’. It seems blunt, but if someone’s serious enough to have one chosen out, or God-forbid prepared, I know what we’re dealing with.

-If they’re serious, I admit I’m here to help, but I’m feeling a bit out of my depth. This is in no way a dismissal, but being honest.

-As suggested, I use the gaps (people generally type slowly when framing difficult subjects) to figure out appropriate help to recommend. I was talking to a girl from NZ, for example- there are services like the Samaritans there, so I had a sec to find a local number for her to call.

-Naturally, I usually point out that this site has pros. (of which I’m not one.)

-In all this, I want to keep the person talking, so we talk. Many people simply don’t want to feel like they’re the only one to have been in their situation. Luckily, few are.

That’s what I’ve got. I hope it helps.

Chirpy Dreamer said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I have dealt with and helped many suicidal venters or ones that want to take drugs or alcohol to forget and here is what I do:

1. I ask why?

2. I make them understand that whatever it is; it’s not worth it.

3. I remind them of their loved ones, but I keep in mind that they might be the reason, so I don’t skip step 1.

4. I ask them about their dreams and show them that they still can achieve them.

5. Weather suicidal or drug takers: I ask them and get them to: throw the suicidal equipment away. Flush the drugs and alcohol.

6. I stick with them for at least another 15 minutes, or until I am sure they are not in that stage anymore.

I hope this helped and that i didn’t forget anything.

Hearmenow said 9 years, 10 months ago:

If it comes along, do your best to talk to them like any other venters. Ask them questions, let them speak. And more importantly recommend them to speak to a professional or suggest them call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-8255 ( US )

What many most need is someone to listen to them, and that’s great. But it’s also important to know when you’ve come across something you’re not too experienced with or feel overwhelmed. No one is expecting you to have all answers and know everything. Just keep doing the best you can, do some research, and as you get along you’ll learn the tricks of when to push and when to back off, and when you’ve reached your limit.

Swifting said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I simply state that they’re breaking the terms and conditions of the site. That there is nothing that I can do to help them as I’m not a trained professional and that on the main page there are links to hotlines they can call.

lxj1976 said 9 years, 10 months ago:

Keep the attention of the venter on you and you control often if he or she is there. When the person is a little calm, have fun with the person. Try to do some jokes, talk about the last stupid thing that you have seen or whatever. And when the person is more calm, enter in the deep of the topic.

rinseandrep said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I was checking the faqs, saw that there’s one about this exact situation:

Serendipity said 9 years, 9 months ago:

You should take advice from someone who ever had thoughts of suicide or attempted it. I can’t begin to even try to understand them. I mean you really can’t. But ask someone who’s been through it. It would help the person more.