Kira Wolf said 10 years, 2 months ago:

What am I waiting for? For someone to show me why I should continue living. I don’t believe those normal things that people say, that you are loved or that life is precious and we should live it to the fullest. I want someone to prove to me why I should keep living. I know that if I died no one would care…they would be sad but then they would continue life as if nothing happened. I know that if I died, nothing in the entire world would change. What does it feel like to know that your life means nothing to the world? That if you died right here and now nothing would change. Why is there life when it is so small and insignificant. I am waiting for someone to tell me why my life is important, why when I die the world will never be the same. No one can, because everyone knows that I am right. That when we die, it is just another death. Only about .5 percent of the entire world will know that you have died. So I am waiting…for someone to tell me why I should respect life and live it to the fullest. Because once I die…it will have been for nothing.
I am waiting.

Nirvana Redux said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I’m not going to deny that people would move on after you die. Just know that somebody out there cares. That could be me, it could be your neighbour, your mailman, the librarian, your father. Somebody cares. Somebody will notice and go, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Everyone lives for something. It’s up to you to find out what your passion is. It doesn’t have to be something like “people care about me” or “others have it worse” because your problems are important too. You can live for the sake of living. Have you experienced a kiss in the rain? The happiness of starting a new book by your favourite author? The feeling of content that a cup of hot cocoa gives you? A funny conversation with your best friend, a stranger? You don’t have to live for the future. Forget the past. Live for the moment. Do what YOU love. Quit trying to satisfy others and just do what you love. Ask yourself, does it matter how many people care that I died? If you are happy with the life you’re living, who gives a fuck about what the others think? If you want to open a store that only sells purple unicycles, do it. If you want to live as a food critique, do it. But if you’re going to rely on what other people view you as, nothing will change. We’re all made of flesh and bones and we’re all given opportunities and chances, but it’s what you choose to do with yours is what counts.

Kira Wolf said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Thank you so much. you have really helped me with this. i still know that the my family won’t care if i die, but at least i know that i need to do what i want to do, and i need to live a happy life before i die. thank you so much

Nirvana Redux said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Everyone deserves someone to help them through tough times, I’m just glad I could help you. If you ever need help or just want to talk, just ask :)

alyciajacquez said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I am waiting for some one to rescue me. I always imagine it in so many different ways. Sometimes a guy sweeps me up and save me from life and tells me everything is going to be okay. In the end the only person that can save me is me. Yet at the same time I am slowly killing myself everyday. Slashing myself with harsh words and disgusting thoughts. I wish I was strong enough to save myself.