Ryse said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Well, I don’t really know how to start this so…

Basically, whenever I go out, e.g walking to the bus stop, walking around shopping etc. I feel anxious about people looking at me, judging me. For example, when I see a group of people laughing, I constantly think it’s about me and I get so scared. It typically happens when they look intimidating to me or if I think they look nicer that me, because then I think that they are better than me and something about me is wrong for whatever reason.

I also have it when I’m speaking to people. This one might sound weird, but when I’m in class and I participate in discussion even a little bit, my heart beats like mad. It even happens when I ask people at the shop to tell me where I can find something.

I’m just constantly scared of talking to people or being around people that I don’t know. Any advice please?

Junnie said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I used to be a bit like that also, some years ago. But I started to get over those feelings as soon as I turned the situation the other way. I asked myself: do I look at random people all the time, judging the way they look, the way they talk, dress, behave, act? No, I don’t. That is not because I am a better person than others. I am simply concentrating on the way I appear to others and to the world, because it is more important for me how I appear rather than how others appear. And I think most of us are the same. There may of course be people who actually judge you, but I am quite convinced that most people are to busy thinking about their own imperfections rather than yours. Just try to think about that whenever you feel that way again, and hopefully your mind will calm down.

(And even if someone would judge you; that is their problem, not yours. That means that they are infecting their minds with negativity, but it doesn’t have to affect you if you make the desicion not to care about them).

isuru said 9 years, 11 months ago:

yeah Ryse, me too hav that…i did these..
1)i just talk with my self and logically blame myself like this “hey damn shame to think wat other think..think abt the reason for ur visit to some where do that” like that i control myself self advising
2) doing the things that i most like ex: listening to music,my religious rituals,be with my most intimate friends,engage in sports that i like..mainly team works
3)trying do the thing that i fear n anxious most..fist time it will be creepy ..but after practicing u will come in to a normal state like others for example..wen i m getting on a bus i usually dont like to go in front cuz everybody will look at me..so i always got in frm the front lol(sry for being funny)
4)work in to a time table reduce the non working time..do any thing in evry time..even hav a healthy nap will be good..
5)dont break sleep if u are not used to it
6)be happy by thinking wat u hav achieved..n look back, see how far u have come
7)always have a reason to smile with strangers
good luck Ryse u can do it!

Rabette said 9 years, 11 months ago:

This happens to me, too! I’ve actually broken (a little) out of this shell as I’ve gotten older; but when I was younger, I did suffer a lot from this anxiety. I’m curious to know if your parents were over~protective of you when you were a child?

I grew up in an environment where I was constantly judged because I was a female. I should act a certain way because “what will the people think of me?” It stuck in my mind, and now, I’m always worried of what others think of me.

I’m also not liked very much or at least, that’s the vibe I pick up from people. I’m a lone wolf.