Weeb Trash said 9 years, 2 months ago:

I have yet to see a Men’s Rights Activist protesting rape support groups. And America is *not* a “rape culture”. Sudan is a “rape culture” I’m probably the least patriotic person on Earth, but every time I hear someone describe America as a “rape culture”, I want to personally book them a flight to Africa or Saudi Arabia so they can experience a real “rape culture”. Also, you have yet to attack my argument itself, you just use the “they probably apply to white women only” to try and discredit my argument. Nice logical fallacy mate. Now, as for my statement that Feminism is no longer needed in America, this is why I think this. There’s no more civil rights movement for black people. Why? They won their rights. While their population still has problems that need to be dealt with, they no longer need to protest in the streets to be heard. They have the NAACP and other advocacy groups, and that gets the job done. Women have Feminism, but Feminism, over the years, went from a peaceful movement (like the black civil rights movement) to a shitstorm waiting to happen. Now, women (like black people) still have issues, and will always have issues come up, but America doesn’t need what Feminism is today. We have enough bullshit to deal with. Now, before you use “male privilege” against me…

Deleted User said 9 years, 2 months ago:

@rinseandrep Thank you for your contribution – I’ve been reading these comments just shaking my head until I got to your responses and then it was like a wave of relief that someone was on the same page as me.

I just can’t even start.

rinseandrep said 9 years, 2 months ago:

I don’t think you get to define what rape culture is, and please don’t dismiss victims of rape in your country with your Sudan argument. There’s no “they get raped more” argument to be had.

I don’t need to prove you wrong in detail to dismiss your claim that feminism in your country isn’t needed because everything is solved (there’s actual women who can do it better than me). It’s clear that you aren’t willing/able to see problems that affect women, you only see what affects yourself, and on top of that you refuse to see how feminism works to address how the gender gap also affects you as a male, starting with women fighting to get to become soldiers and other “guy jobs” that populate your chart with the too little writings at the bottom, or how sharing equally responsibilities in a relationship could help men feel like it’s ok to not kill themselves if they fail.

Women didn’t win they rights, there’s still gay women, trans women and female members of minorities fighting for their intersectional rights (I keep repeating this and you keep missing this). Straight white women themselves are still addressing the wage gap. It’s not over because their problems don’t affect you.

I don’t understand why the civil rights movements would be dead, given how active it has been in the last years to address institutionalized racism in the police and judicial system.

@missfortune I felt the same way, although it’s starting to feel like opting out would have been a good choice, since it doesn’t really matter how much we argue about it. Unless someone learns something.

Weeb Trash said 9 years, 2 months ago:

You’re putting words in my mouth here bro, and quite honestly, that’s one of the quickest ways to piss me off, and it weakens your argument severely. If you were to provide an argument that basically wasn’t an elongated “fuck your opinion” I would consider it though.

“I don’t think you get to define what rape culture is”
Ahh yes, it’s because I have a penis, and therefore I’m automatically wrong and my opinion invalid. How typical.

“I don’t need to prove you wrong in detail to dismiss your claim that feminism in your country isn’t needed because everything is solved”
Ok, what were you trying to say here? This is like saying “I don’t need to prove you wrong to prove you wrong”. Sorry, logic doesn’t work that way bro.

” It’s clear that you aren’t willing/able to see problems that affect women”
And THIS, my friend, is where I draw the line. You assume that because I dislike what Feminism has become that I’m automatically indifferent to problems women have. When in fact, I’m well-aware of problems women face. Guess what? You don’t need to be a Feminist to support women’s rights. Your mind = blown.

“Women didn’t win they rights, there’s still gay women, trans women and female members of minorities”
Gay women and trans women… Hmm… Ya know, gay and trans men are discriminated against too. This isn’t just an issue women face. I have an idea! Why not leave gender out of that one and rally for LGBT rights as a whole!

“I don’t understand why the civil rights movements would be dead, given how active it has been in the last years to address institutionalized racism in the police and judicial system.”
Ok, I’ll give you that one. This is a problem facing everyone. The system is so racially sensitive that nobody can even turn their head the wrong way without it becoming a racial shitstorm.

The Giggle Blizzard said 9 years, 2 months ago:

@rinseandrep I’m finding this discusison very educational cause I have only recently started thinking about this kinda stuff – partially cause I’m a pretty young guy but also cause I live in a remote place in Sweden. Also I just wanna say that my earlier comment was not bashing the feministic movement if that’s what it seemed like, I’m all for it. I’m just hesitant to get into the discussion because I don’t know enough about it to defend my case, so I appreciate your sensible comments. You’re very objective and has the right approach in my opinion and I agree with what you say even though most of it is just facts and you can’t really disagree with facts.

mini_beethoven said 9 years, 2 months ago:

Ok, I’m not a feminist in any way. I think all these girls are just saying that because they want to be independent or something, idk. I agree with all your points stated. :)

rinseandrep said 9 years, 2 months ago:

I think a good start would be, because you probably were not raped or victimized by rape culture, not where you live, nor in Sudan.

I don’t know why you feel like micromanaging what lgbt/women group should address what, what culture is the true rape one, etc. We both are white guys from what I understand, shouldn’t we just be ok with whatever actual gay people and women prefer?

When I’ll see you recognize a woman’s problem as something other than a chance to say “men have it worse”, “not all men do that” or a chance to chip away at feminism, I’ll apologize.

I’m not your mate, bro or whatever, please don’t call me that, we are not close, and when it’s associated with latent anger it creeps me out.

@giggleblizzard That’s ok, I was thinking about when I composed my first message in this thread, so I really wasn’t thinking of you.

Deleted User said 9 years, 2 months ago:

@rinseandrep I’m not mentally in a place that I can get involved in this, but like @missfortune, it’s a relief to me to read your responses. I’m really glad someone is raising these points and doing so in such a good way, thank you.

✧Sumer✧ said 9 years, 2 months ago:

I believe you all need to go read up on feminism, equality, actual male privilege, and then come back to this post. You’re not describing feminist. And as for the girl saying she’s not a feminist, you sound uneducated. Just because there are people who make it ‘bad’, doesn’t mean every representation of them is horrible. I know multiple male, trans-gender, cis-female, straight people, gay people, and everything in between that’re feminists. It’s human rights and equality, if you’re letting other people ruin it for you, you’re no better than them. Educate yourself, dollfaces.

DQj23 said 9 years, 2 months ago:

@rinseandrep and @ArgentWarrior, I feel like your difference in opinions in this discussion is a prime example of how easily people can become angry about an issue they care about and mince words over terminology and analogies, while still missing the point that everyone who wants true equality is on the same side. Whether you use feminism in the original sense of the word, or call it humanism, or equalism, or whichever you prefer; you’ve both taken small instances from each others posts to be offended about, and let your anger get the better of you. What we see here is a microcosm of the true root of inequality: Everyone in the human races struggles to be on top, to be in the right, to be in the power position over other people. Formal law has adapted, ideologies have been refined, and everyone is standing around screaming about what should be done about inequality, but inequality exists in our everyday lives. You see it in your families, between parents and children; you see it between yourself and your siblings, between spouses, between friends and between coworkers. Feminism is the topic of this post, but the truth is that true equality is difficult to attain between even two people, and institutional equality is NOT the same as equality in practice. Nor are the minor inequalities of developed countries voided by the larger inequalities of those places you consider less developed. The very idea that the issue of equal pay is irrelevant because of the threat of violence in other places exists is in direct conflict with the desire for equality. Everyone here has something to say about the patriarchy, or about feminists, or about men’s rights groups; but what people should be talking about is themselves. Changing the institution does not change how people live. Changing how people think and feel and treat each other will change the institution. What people call the patriarchy is not a mirage. It is real and alive and being carried forward by every single man, woman, and child who are taught to think that their right is stronger than that of another person.

Deleted User said 9 years, 2 months ago:

What I don’t like about current feminist is there not about equality for both men and women only for “women” for example they don’t think a man should ever put his hands on a women even if he is defending himself yes no one should put there hands on no-one but if a women slaps me in any way I’m slapping her ass back end of story in a feminist mind

“If a woman slaps a man or hits him he has no right to hit her back or to defend himself he just has to stay there and let this woman abuse him”

So basically what there saying is a women has a right to beat the shit outta a man and “it’s okay” because she is small and innocent” but if a man puts ands on a women he is a disgusting pig who should be in jail for life?….even if he was defending himself?

A girl in high school once punched me in the arm because I guess she was just a bitch so I pushed her ass “it’s called self defense” wanna know what happened 2 of her friends called me a women abusive piece of shit…..the teacher said “don’t ever put your hands on a women”……I’m like excuse me she punched my arm I defended myself I was labeled the bad guy after that I realized that women have “these special treatments and shit my mind hasn’t changed since then


DQj23 said 9 years, 2 months ago:

@Sumer, it is not fair of you to come to this post, tell everyone they are uneducated, and bring nothing to give to this conversation but contempt. If you were as educated as you seem to think you are, you would offer theory, and not insults and condescending comments. Maybe you should come back when you learn that not everyone who has not come to the same conclusions you have is a worthless idiot.

lxj1976 said 9 years, 2 months ago:

this article is so arrogant and funny… i’ve never read something like that! at first, it should be interesting to count the number of vulgar words used each sentence. secondly, you definitely all of you don’t know anything about feminism (check wikipedia before talking, thank you^^). and whether i didn’t read all of the comments but i can easily guess (without any arrogance from me) what you would say, i invite all of you to learn RESPECT and EQUALITY!

no need to answer anything to what i have written, i am not interested by all your pretended wisdom or culture…

but one thing all of you. if women are as they are today, maybe you should thank yourselves because it’s all your fault!

@sumertime-sadness thank you so much for your so true words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a woman proud to be lesbian and to hate males

***Moderation note: please do not address this user’s personal choice in this thread, this thread isn’t about them***

Deleted User said 9 years, 2 months ago:

@lxj1976 I don’t understand how you can hate males.

That’s half of the entire world and you hate them without knowing each one.

That kind of hate should never be something to be proud of.

I know you said you don’t care if anyone replies, but I honestly don’t understand how you can hate an entire gender.

I mean, sure, if you’ve had bad experiences with males and you remember that when talking to one I totally understand. But you can’t just have a prejudged hateful opinion of every male you meet like that.

lxj1976 said 9 years, 2 months ago:

@silent-radiance in despite of what i have said, i took the time to read your reply…. first, it’s definitely arrogant from you to say what you say. secondly, you don’t know what i have lived. thirdly, i consider your words very ridiculous because you judge me without knowing me. in a few words as a thousand, before trying to teach me a lesson, apply it with yourself at first!

(end of the topic for me)