Andy said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I’ve been told many times in the past few weeks that I shouldn’t wear so much makeup (literally all I wear is a little coverup, blush, eyeliner, and lipstick occasionally), or that I shouldn’t make my winged eyeliner so dramatic (even though I’ve gotten loads of compliments about that too.)

I just feel like people shouldn’t criticize something that I’m proud of

Destiny said 9 years, 6 months ago:

When I went to catholic school, we obviously wore uniforms and I love putting on makeup. I would always get told to wipe the makeup off my face and I felt upset because I did all of that for myself not for anyone else.

Red Sheep said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I thought that you were talking about changing style, not about how you put your makeup. Well, indeed, I had a friend of mine who had a habit to judge or giving little tips on how to dress to girls. He told me lots of time that I should change my style of clothes because I wear black clothes, or they just don’t fit with any of the “official styles”. I always thanked him because he didn’t want to be rude or to criticize me, he just wanted to give me a tip and help me, so, maybe it depends as well as how you take that comment.

But you know what? I never changed my style, and he knew it. He kept telling me that I should change, but I never did, and I’m ok with it. I don’t care what people say about my style or my clothes, I like wearing them, they show just how I am to the others, it’s a mask, indeed, but this is what I am, and I’m proud of it.
If you’re proud of it as well, then you don’t have to pay attention to what these people say. Maybe you should recommend to them instead. :P

Andy said 9 years, 6 months ago:

oh yeah, I meant style, makeup. any aspect of your physical appearance I guess is what I was trying to say. but I used to wear a lot of black too and my mom would always say “andrea! put more color into your wardrobe. you don’t want people to think you’re depressed.” but I liked how black looked on me.

people just need to relax. haha

Red Sheep said 9 years, 6 months ago:

Indeed, my mom said to me the same things most of time! But, just like you, I like how black clothes look on me. Recently I added lots of red in my wardrobe, but I wear them just with black clothes. :D

Valeska said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I agree! Sadly it is default by nature for people to criticize others. I try my best to think arrogantly and assume that they want us to dress that way because they can’t pull it off! ;) haha.

I do some modelling too, and it can be pretty critical about your wear. I prefer a more conservative look, but it’s all about glamour with these agencies, not to mention that conservative isn’t what they go for usually.

Outside of modelling, I like dressing in sweat clothes and sneakers. I feel comfortable, and sketchers are awesome to walk in! When I do pretty up, well I like dresses and skirts.. oh and I also do the jeans, tshirt look too, but I feel trapped in jeans sometimes. It feels heavy! I also don’t like make up, except for my dark circles, and it helps (not really) in making my nose look smaller lol.

People will be quick to say you’re under dressed. When you fancy up, you’re overdressed. How about shutting up and understanding that’s how I want to be!?

These same people, sometimes advise you to dress more revealing. When I model and dress that way, they criticize you for “selling yourself”. You cant please people.

Deleted User said 9 years, 6 months ago:

Haha, my Mom controlled every aspect of my clothing and style till around the age of 17. Even now I have to fight with her to buy something I like so shopping is really hard. Oh and black nailpolish is a big no no for me, dunno why though. Mom just doesnt like it I guess.

mew said 9 years, 6 months ago:

My brother used to do that all the time. Oh you shouldn’t wear this, you shouldn’t wear that. I was kinda lucky that my parents were alright with a lot of stuff [dying hair and things weirdly they were fine with] but I used to get so much crap from my brother. Just got the point where I’d just say, ‘well it’s a good job you’re not wearing it then’ and walk away.

Andy said 9 years, 6 months ago:

My parents hate black nail polish too! And they never let me dye my hair weird colors. I would’ve loved to have purple or teal hair back in high school. But I guess in my small town that really wouldn’t have helped me get my first jobs.. At least now I have a little more freedom both with what I can do with myself and in regards to what area I live in.

Julia Bloom said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I grew up as a tom boy pretty much and didn’t start embracing my girliness until I started wearing makeup in high school. I still dress pretty much the same, I wear what is comfortable such as t shirts and skinny jeans and big jackets (cuz they’re so comfy!!) people in my class have told me to dress differently so often, “Show off your butt more!” “Show off your figure” and I don’t really want too.. So yes, I have been told what to wear. No, i didn’t listen.

Megg said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I’m growing out my red hair for Locks of Love. I’ve been doing this for almost four years, and I will be cutting it off this upcoming May before graduation.
Well, the closer to graduation I get, the more I think about how I want my hair styled. My hair isn’t as long as one might think, so I hope to cut it as short as possible for LoL. However, my thoughts have led to shaving the side of my head and cutting it short and boyish.
However, the more I like the idea, the more people snuff me or tell me not to cut my hair. “You’ll look like a boy! A lesbian!”, “You won’t be pretty, don’t do it.”, “You would look stupid. All this for some kid you don’t know?”
My ex-boyfriend (while we were still together) even threaten to break up with me if I chose such a hairstyle.
I’ve lost three friends, just for thinking about this hairstyle, and I’m sure I’ll be losing quite a few more after the transformation. (I live in a close-minded, small southern town; though it shouldn’t excuse their reaction, it kind of does)
How come a hairstyle (that hasn’t even happened yet) can effect the people around me in such a crude and unnecessary way?

mini_beethoven said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I’ve been told that I need to change my style, but honestly, if you enjoy it, then do it. I used to wear dark makeup because that was my style, and I would get told to change it all the time. I wear makeup still but I do it because it makes me feel pretty and it’s a form of art for me.

Lizzie said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I hate when people do that, but yes. Many girls are told what to wear because they’re some sexist people out there. I’m not a feminist but I do believe that women should do what they want without a guy or whoever else saying whatever.

Deleted User said 9 years, 6 months ago:

My ex girlfriend would not let me wear a shirt with a woman in lingerie and tattoos with the words “No filter” written across her. And… She wouldn’t let me wear my Fox racing snap back hat. She was a hatter on my swagger.