JoeVI said 11 years, 1 month ago:

So everyone has that food that they just do not want to eat for one reason or another. Mine’s squid and octopus those cephalopods just freak me out. What is yours?

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Squid is damn good! Cant wait to try octopus…I honestly think there isn’t any food I wont try, Ive eaten grasshoppers, BUT if I had to choose…would probably be dog, idk if there is any way I could bring myself to eating dog, maybe in another country

Swifting said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Mushrooms – if I can see them I pick them off if not I’ll eat them but they have a funny texture.

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

I used to hate bananas. I actually didn’t start eating them until January of this year and now I love them. I guess it was the taste and texture that bothered me.
I’m really not into seafood. I’ll eat shrimp, tuna, crab and MAYBE some kind of cooked fish if it doesn’t smell too strongly. I refuse to eat any kind of clams or mussels. Cephalopods freak me out. If it smells fishy or looks slimy/squishy, I can’t deal with it.

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

I have a thing against watermelons this year. We got a bad one once, and ever since then everything about it bothers me. The smell, the texture, and even the juiciness of it. Kind of with blueberries too. If any fruit ends up being lack luster it throws me off of them for quite a while. I know it’s probably pretty wasteful, but the fruit I eat must be immaculate.

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

@spiffykoji You know what? I kind of feel the same way about blueberries. They always look like they’re going to taste better than they actually do. I hate the random grittiness and they’re never really that sweet. I’d much rather have a raspberry or blackberry.

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

CANNED BEETS!! **shivers **

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

HAHAHAHA. Aww man, I love me some canned beets! @sugar-girl

JoeVI said 11 years, 1 month ago:

I actually like grasshopper.

Lee said 11 years, 1 month ago:

i can’t stand olives of any type.

Mars said 11 years, 1 month ago:

I’m right there with JoeVI. There’s a Korean dish that is live squid/octipi things. Apparently they’re hard to eat because they move around and suction themselves to your tongue.

Fish in general kind of freak me out, though.