Lady Lionhead said 10 years, 6 months ago:

I came on BlahTherapy today as a venter, and my conversations often get interrupted/disconnected on here. The listener was very understanding, but I didn’t get much advice other than to show my husband the conversation, which I don’t think will work. I’m posting the conversation we had, so the rest of you can perhaps give me some advice on this.


Can I ask how old you are?

I’m 30

Okay. The first listener was 17, and the second was 12, so I just needed to make sure.

Whys that?

Because I’m having trouble with my husband and I really don’t think a couple of kids can be of any help to me.

Totally get it
What’s up

I just can’t seem to communicate with him lately. He’s being totally impossible to reason with.

About something in particular, or everything?

Well there are a couple of issues we keep coming back to, but the way we argue about it it’s like I may as well be speaking another language.

Can you think of an example?

Well for example we have things set up right now where I clean, and he cooks.
He loves to cook. He went to school for it and he works as a baker.

Sounds good to me

His problem with me is, I grew up as a convenience eater. My family made us eat canned food and tv dinners, and I like to just grab things and eat. But he being so adamant about “good food” refuses to have anything like that in the house, and expects me to know what I want to eat ahead of time so he can unfreeze the meat and make stuff. Which doesn’t work, because I never know when or what I want to eat.

That would make things stressful. Why should it always be his way though?

Exactly. He’s being very controlling, but he doesn’t see it that way. He just thinks that I’m out of the ordinary, wanting to eat that way.

Food is pretty personal, and so are bodies. You need to eat when you need to eat
How does it hurt things to have some quick things you like available in the house

Because he believes canned spaghettios and tv dinners are crap food and considers it an insult to have it around. That’s how zealous he is about cooking.
And because I won’t eat his way, it’s MY fault he’s losing inspiration to cook.

He’s got some issue about this
Is his pride super tied up in this?
Is this like cheating on him if you eat someone else’s food

No, it’s not that bad, but it’s just a matter of principle to him. He’s very proud. And that’s the main problem when I try to reason with him. He’s too proud to listen.

That is very tiring
For a spouse
Can he make real versions of fun food
Like fried chicken and a brownie
Or is it all gourmet

He makes steaks and steamed vegetables and sauces that he mixed himself and stuff. He hardly ever makes mixed recipes like lasagna or enchiladas and things. That’s another thing I don’t like about having to eat his way.

Do you not like the food?

No, I like the food. But he makes the main thing and tries to make it better than anyone instead of taking that same ingredient and making a recipe. Like I like pork, but eating a pork chop instead of maybe tomorrow we eat a pork burrito gets annoying.

That’s beside the point, if you never get what you want then he’s being a nazi

I know, and he has all the control because I can’t work right now. So I don’t get to make any decisions.

Oh that’s hard
Does he like making you happy

Yes, and that’s one of the reasons I don’t get mad at him, because he’s passionate about food, so he thinks making me good food will make me happy. What he doesn’t get is, I’m not happy with food the way he is.

He’s convinced that he’s doing what makes you happy, even if you’re telling him otherwise


I think it’s on the Y chromosome, my ex husband did that
By which I mean
Sounds like he’s applying too much force for something that should be easy

I’ve tried explaining to him logically by comparing my problem with him to the food problem. Like I said, I clean, he cooks.
But when I expect to clean, I expect chores, like dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom. Not cleaning up after him every time he makes a sandwich.
But he grew up with his mother cleaning everything, so he has a hard time cleaning up after himself.


Same with me and quick food.
I grew up on quick food.
He doesn’t see the comparison.

But he gets what he’s used to and you don’t


Is it the job thing?
I disagree that you shouldn’t get a vote

He doesn’t act like I shouldn’t get a vote. He’s always saying he wants me helping to make decisions, but when it comes to food, he doesn’t see that I’m not getting a say.
He thinks that me choosing what I want from his way of cooking is me getting a say.

And if you say I want spagettios?

Then he doesn’t like it. Because it’s not cooking.
It’s his pride in cooking that makes him deaf.
If he were simply to spring something on me that he really enjoyed making, that would be fine. But no, he wants me to choose what he’ll enjoy making.

He wants you to participate in making him proud

Yes. And it’s driving me nuts. I just want to eat so I’m not hungry.
Food is survival to me. Also I love pizza. That’s my definition of food.

Will he read this if you show him

Yes, but he’ll probably get mad that I talked to someone else about our problems.
Which makes no sense, because if in the end, it’s only ever me and him, how are we ever going to hear eachother when he refuses to meet me halfway?

Well sounds like he has to make peace with compromise
About something

I compromised on the cleaning thing with him. I tried making a list on the fridge to help him remember how to clean up after himself in simple things. Rules like “clothes go in the hamper, not on the floor” so he has a reminder. It would be very simple to buy me some spaghettios and make what he wants and see if I like it.

I really kinda think you should show him this conversation
You’re making great points
Maybe he doesn’t see how much this affects you

I make the same points when I talk, that’s the problem.
Perhaps he doesn’t listen when I talk because he’s too busy thinking over his side of things.
I’ll try showing this to him, but like I said, he’ll probably just get mad I talked to someone about our problems.

For your sake
Think one minute about
The fact that you’re loved by a husband who believes he’s providing for your best interest (if misguided about it a bit)

The conversation was disconnected at this point. I was going to say that I do know and appreciate that, but I can’t keep going on with this problem. Reasoning with my husband has gotten me nowhere, and I don’t think showing him this conversation will help. If anyone has any opinions or advice, I would love to hear it, preferably from those who have experience with marriage. I did ask this question under the “questions” section, but I got one answer and that answer was I shouldn’t have posted my conversation, which I disagree with as it was totally anonymous and harmless. I decided to post this on a more mainstream part of the site instead. I’m new here, so forgive me for the mistake and double post.

JoJo said 10 years, 6 months ago:

I don’t have experience with marriage, but I had a very controlling father growing up. He’d berate me for anything and everything and was even more stubborn than your husband seems to be. So while they are different, our experiences with stubborn males are similar enough that I feel comfortable offering my 2 cents.

There are several things I’d like to say to you, the first of which being I feel you on the whole food is survival thing. I went through some hard times and the only food I’d have was a $5 footlong from Subway once a week to last me all week. Food is survival – it doesn’t matter what it is or where it came from as long as it is calories to keep your body functioning.

That being said, from a nutritional standpoint, the pre-packaged foods that were how I survived are garbage. I ended up in the hospital with heart related issues and my diet was definitely not helping. There are a lot of preservatives and other unhealthy stuff in those pre-prepared meals that impact your health. I understand your husband’s concern; as someone who is passionate about food he obviously knows how important putting proper nutrients into your body is; there’s an old saying: “Put garbage in, get garbage out.” and it holds true in regards to diet and bodily functioning. He’s more than a little overzealous about it, though. He’s a jerk about it.

Everyone deserves to have their own junk food weaknesses and indulgences and it isn’t a big deal to indulge yourself a little.

If playing nice won’t work with him, you’re going to have to be more direct. Tell him that this is a big deal to you and you want to keep some things on hand to indulge in once in a while. If he still has an issue tell him you just need this and he is going to have to learn to deal with it. Be direct and don’t back down even if he gets mad. Tell him that while you do appreciate what he does, this is just something you need. It isn’t asking for a whole lot and he needs to realize that it isn’t worth fighting over. Keep a few cans of Spaghetti-Ohs around, a few packages of Oreos and some TV Dinners in the refrigerator. Tell him to stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

I wish you the best of luck and if you need to talk feel free to message me. Take care!

Lady Lionhead said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it. And I think you’re right, I’ll just have to stand my ground on this. I try to be nice because if I’m more aggressive about things with him, he’s one of those people who will just become more stubborn and stop listening entirely, but in the end, I just need to do what I want.

Vivid Melody said 10 years, 6 months ago:

So you don’t eat around the same times every day? I think you could come to a compromise on this. It’s just food. Cooking is his passion. I can imagine how he wants you to be apart of the whole experience because he loves you. He wants to share it with you. Cleaning is different because it’s not your passion (at least I highly doubt it is). Try to come up with some things you always like. We already know pizza is one of them ;) If he wants you to come up with ideas then make it challenging for him ;) Just because you’re used to doing things a certain way doesn’t mean you can’t create new habits. At least give it a couple of weeks to see how it goes. Then at least you can say you tried and he will surely appreciate that.

Lady Lionhead said 10 years, 6 months ago:

I eat at regular intervals not regular times. I usually get hungry every five hours. Like if I eat breakfast at 8:30 am, I’ll be hungry again at 1:30 pm, but I don’t always eat breakfast at the same time, because I don’t always wake up at the same time.

somebodiesnobody said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Ya I think some of the things in the conversation would hurt his feelings and just cause an argument but you do need to be more honest with him. There are plenty of healthy convenient foods also. Veggies and fruits to name a few. So maybe you guys can compromise. It sounds like he is being stubborn on that issue, but maybe he just wants you all to be healthy. As far as him not picking up after himself that is a learned habit as you said from his mother. Pick a day and don’t pick up anything of his. Leave it all as hard as it might be. When you wake up the next day, if he says the house is a mess or if you even need to point it out, just simply say this is what it looks like when I only pick up after myself. This is how it would be if you lived a lone. That is a last resort if you have tried to nicely tell him to do it plenty of times. Men can be to proud and full of themselves sometimes, but you want him to be confident too. Women are not maids though!

Broken 1 said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Your husbands behavior sounds very controlling. Just because you are not working shouldn’t mean you don’t get to make any decisions for your family. Is he controlling in other aspects of your life? He would be hard pressed to find another person who would go along with his food rules. Telling someone what they have to eat just makes them crave the forbidden food even more. Also saying that his mommy cleaned up after him so you have to do the same is insane! So I suppose you do all the dishes after he cooks this food? That is completely unfair! Who wouldn’t love to cook if they didn’t have to clean up the kitchen after? You are not a child. You can decide what you want to eat all by yourself. Maybe you should send him home to his mommy if he needs to be taken care of like a child. Having to leave a note on the fridge reminding him to put his clothes in the hamper is ridiculous. He is not incapable of cleaning up his own messes. He just doesn’t want to. If he considers a can of Spegettios an insult then he is just far to insecure about his ability. He cannot control what food you like. No one can. Cleaning up after another adult and yourself is one thing but once kids come along you are never going to be able to do all of this alone and not be resentful. I don’t mean to sound so harsh but your husband needs to grow up a bit. Real life is not like that. It sounds like he only wants your opinion when it is in his favor. He will never grow up unless you make him. I feel like the problem likely runs deeper then just food in your marriage. A marriage is a living breathing thing. Our lives evolve and routines have to change. I feel like he just wants a maid who will worship his cooking abilities and do as he says the rest of the time. His expectations of you are unrealistic and unfair! A person who is offended by some junk food in their panty has some serious insecurities. Could you be happy for the rest of your life like this? I think he needs a big wake up call. I think your husband is taking advantage of you. You are his wife. Not working does not make you a 2nd class citizen. Tell him to put on his big boy panties and man up. You are entirely too nice about this. It’s time to try something else I think.

Lady Lionhead said 10 years, 6 months ago:

He doesn’t say I HAVE to clean up after him like his mother did, I just do, because it won’t get done otherwise. If I leave his stuff lying around until he notices it, he simply WON’T notice it. He has “man eyes” something fierce. I honestly think he might have some type of disorder. He’s forgetful to the point that even he gets upset about it. I’ve considered that he might have mild ADD/ADHD, because he really tries to clean up after himself, but he doesn’t notice details and he gets distracted easily. He’s always forgetting his wallet and his keys and losing things around the house, or forgetting what he was going to say. But like I said, he’s proud, so admitting he might have a disorder is asking alot. It also might just be stress, because our situation and the reason I can’t work is unique, and it puts alot of pressure on him to provide for me. That’s why I’m so nice. Our situation is going to get better and I’ll be able to work soon, but all we can do right now is wait. I did manage to talk to him the other day, and he realized that he’s been trying to tell me what to do. He still doesn’t like the idea of quick food, but he realizes now that the deeper issue is that he’s been ordering me around, it’s not even about the food. So he’s agreed to back off, and that I shouldn’t back down to him. As for fixing the cleaning problem, I’ll just have to be consistent in reminding him, I guess. It’s kind of like training a puppy.

Mandy Meister said 10 years, 4 months ago:

What would you consider a compromise in a relationship? My bf and I have been together about 4 months. When we first starting hanging out we would go to dinner, movies, or hang out at his apartment. Once in while we went out to the bar/club and have some drinks. However, I have decided because of certain health concerns and exercise goals that I want to accomplish that I would prefer not to drink alcohol or go to a bar or club. My bf however thinks that I can still go to a bar/club and still have fun if i don’t’ drink. I disagree. He made the comment after we both came home one night after he dragged me to some hillbilly redneck bar that maybe we would be better off being friends.
relationship compromise

Swifting said 10 years, 4 months ago:

My husband’s brother is an AMAZING cook. And he also agrees and is very set on having healthy good tasting food over the crap food with all the preservatives. As a way to compromise perhaps your husband could help you prepare some healthy conveniences meals for you so that even if you’re not hungry for what he’s making you have options.

Be Honest. Talk. Don’t pin blame on any one person.

Use I, feel, when, because statements. EG: I feel angry when you will not buy spaghettios because it shows you’re not listening to my needs. I feel frustrated when you leave your clothes on the floor because it takes advantage of my need to clean them up.

Have a day where you let your husband go wild and cook 7-12 different meals up and freeze them. That way when you’re hungry the meals are microwave ready and you have a wide variety to chose from and they’re meeting his standards of healthy.

Clearly your husband cares a great deal for your health and wants you to be around for a long time. Yes, his actions can kind of come across as controlling but is that really any different than when you married him? Are these new behaviors or are you fed up with the old ones?

And as far as the cleaning goes…some people are just more clean than others… I’m your husband in the relationship. I’ve got shoes from one half of the house to the other. I’m not a neat person. My husband and I have come to a compromise there. He’ll pick the the things I leave up and put them in the hamper and I do the washing and the drying and the putting away (when I’m well enough as of late he’s been my knight in shining armor).

The worst you can do is quit trying new things. No two marriages work the same and if you don’t try everything then you never know what will work. If it’s got to be a postit on the bathroom mirror so be it. Maybe it’s a Honey do list on the wall. A text message mid day? Who knows?! No one until you try.

Deleted User said 10 years, 4 months ago:

lol i think you should eat the good food, processed shit and tv diners are going to kill you, listen to your husband on that one, if you hate cleaning hire a maid.
I cant abide with anybody who supports fast food and canned shit, over a partners cooked healthy food and hes a chef/baker too, its so illogical, makes me wonder if the persons totally sane or not, or is just taking things for granted.
Really if you cant control your fast food urges i get that, but when you become fat and lazy when your metabolism dies, ive a feeling youll love the healthy stuff..
Food is about survival yes, which is why you should know exactly what youre putting in your body, instead of some microwave fix that more than likely will kill you, ever heard of diabetes/ cholestrol, it doesnt happen by magic you know?
I think if you hate cleaning split up the duties, make his do the easy stuff, and you do the hard stuff, you wash dishes together!!
But your husbands totally right on the food bit!! Your being totally illogical about the reality of it.