Magikarp Meg said 9 years, 8 months ago:

There’s a girl I’m interested in.
I know she’s pansexual, so there’s a shot.
Though, I’m not sure I’m her type.
She has purple hair, piercings, and an adorable plus size shape. Outgoing, nice to people, and relatable, though extroverted. I only know her from science class, I’m in 10th grade, and she’s technically in 11th though due to credits she’s graduating this year.

She likes dating around, though it seems to be with more popular people and I don’t know if that’s just her taste. I was going to ask her number one day (a first for me) but was cut off by her talking about someone she wanted to ask to prom.

I desperately want to be with her. Though I’m not sure if I measure up, I’m an awkward, ‘not the epitome of “hot” ‘ girl.

I really don’t wanna make it awkward in class, though I just keep smiling at the thought of her.


RhizzJg said 9 years, 8 months ago:

It sounds like you really like her, but you shouldn’t worry about not being someone’s ‘type’, people say they have a type but at the end of the day you really can’t help who you fall for :-)
R x

David said 9 years, 8 months ago:

Hi Meg,

This may be a bit late, but nonetheless, I wanted to give you some advice. The worst thing to do is regret NOT doing something. There are so many times when I wish that I had asked that person out. I am pansexual too so I can see the attraction you feel. I would see if she did choose that person for prom, and if she hasn’t, suggest that you go together. I am not sure how well you know each other, one class doesn’t seem like much though, but just go for it. Worst case scenario is that she is surprised, and then you can play it off as a joke. Just handle the situation like you normally would and be yourself. Just the fact that you are desperate to be with her is all the more reason to at least give it a shot!!

NotHonest said 9 years, 8 months ago:

Get into conversations, get to know her. If you really want to be with her, show it. Get her interested. Like David said, its horrible to regret not asking that one person you liked out. Regardless if it turns to dating or not, you should get to know her.