Nova said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Hey everyone, just a quick topic for you all to discuss.

What’s everyone’s view on interracial relationships? I’ve only had two relationships and both of them were interracial, so I obviously don’t have a problem with them haha.

If you dislike interracial relationships why?

Jess said 10 years, 7 months ago:

I don’t think there’s a single thing wrong with interracial relationships. I don’t have anything else to say on the matter. There’s nothing wrong with them, at all. Anyone who thinks there is something wrong them is a plain ol’ racist.

Shan <3 said 10 years, 7 months ago:

I personally think a huge part of disagreeing with interracial relationships is a cultural thing.

If you have grown up only knowing same race relationships and marriage then obviously you are more likely to think interracial relationships are wrong – this is not to say that all people who have grown up this way disagree with it. Plus a lot of people think when we use the term interracial relationship we mean between a black and white person when this is not the case nor meaning. I’m white and am in a relationship with a black man so you can see people that don’t agree with interracial relationships not agreeing with mine when in reality me and him are of the same race.

Anyway.. I too would be interested to hear about anyone who does disagree with it and their reasons why. I however am all for it because I love my partner and love is not skin deep.

groanman said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Disagree. No I like the idea of interracial relationships. But I think people my age (38)and up definitely see a stigma with cross cultural relationships (as I think that’s a more appropriate term).

It has more to do with what you were raised with. Catholics marry Catholics. Asians marry Indians at the extreme. Blacks have Puerto Ricans if they want to experiment.

What I say may sound ridiculous, but its only because we are talking today. If we were talking 50 years ago it’d be offensive to intermarry. things have changed and truth is anyone who’s not down with it nowadays is simply behind.

Deleted User said 10 years, 7 months ago:

We all bleed the same and are capable of sharing unconditional love with whoever we decide to be with regardless of race.
People within society and religions or culture are stereotypical by following a trend and dictating what is right and what is wrong.

Lizzabeth said 10 years, 7 months ago:

I think it’s ridiculous that anyone wouldn’t be okay with it. Especially today, when there are so many countries with mixed races, like the U.S.

The only thing different is skin color and what does the color of skin have to do with love and marriage? My cousin is in an interracial marriage and they couldn’t be happier. They are both awesome people.

There is only one race: the human race.