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    Rain posted an update 2 years, 4 months ago

    Even introverts need human interactions.

    Mood : Lonely
    • felt that, are you doing alright?

    • I’m okay, just lonely sometimes.

    • We all deserve to feel loved and cared for so we feel less alone and lonely @teamtennantgirl and @little-angel-2, I’m a reclusive, shy, awkward introvert so I know how lonely and depressing life can get, especially when if like me, you have absolutely no social life and you stay in your bedroom all day, remember you are both amazing and you both deserve to be surrounded by love, kindness and compassion, be good to yourselves Rain and Katherine, you will both meet people out there in the world who will make you feel supported and bring you positive human interactions, please know I’m always here for both of you and so is the entire BT community, stay strong and know you are both awesome, feel free to inbox me anytime if you ever need to talk about anything, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • Sometimes it’s nice being alone, we even need it every now and then. But feeling lonely it’s a hard thing, especially if you live far away from your loved ones. If you need to talk, my DM’s are open @little-angel-2