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    lcrest posted an update 9 years ago

    Working on panels for Faeborn. To find out more visit facebook.com/faeborncomics

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    lcrest posted a new activity comment 9 years ago

    In reply to: lcrest posted an update Finishing up some illustrations for work. Life is good. View

    @Oli I’m not sure where the ”stay strong, you are never alone” is coming from… but thanks? This is my job and I love what I do so I’m pretty happy with life.

  • Profile picture of lcrest
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    lcrest posted an update 9 years ago

    Finishing up some illustrations for work. Life is good.

    • Oli replied 9 years ago

      That’s fantastic @lcrest, keep drawing, I’m sure you are a talented artist, keep doing what makes you happy, I’m always here if you need to talk, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • @Oli I’m not sure where the ”stay strong, you are never alone” is coming from… but thanks? This is my job and I love what I do so I’m pretty happy with life.

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    lcrest changed their profile picture 9 years ago

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    lcrest changed their profile picture 10 years, 1 month ago

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    lcrest and Profile picture of DavinaDavina are now friends 10 years, 1 month ago

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    lcrest posted a new activity comment 10 years, 3 months ago

    In reply to: lcrest posted an update Finally finished setting up my art facebook page. I’m pretty excited to see that things are coming along nicely.View

    Hi. I’ve been updating my art site. You can see my facebook at facebook.com/laurencrestartwork.

    If you like it please ”like” the page and then share it so that your friends can see it as well.

    Thank you

  • Profile picture of lcrest
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    lcrest posted an update 10 years, 3 months ago

    Finally finished setting up my art facebook page. I’m pretty excited to see that things are coming along nicely.

    Mood : Pleased
  • Profile picture of lcrest
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    lcrest posted a new activity comment 10 years, 3 months ago

    In reply to: sunflowerta posted an update hello how do i find someone to vent to? i’ve been trying and it’s 2:06AM. i kept getting disconnected so i’m pretty annoyed :( View

    If you want anonymous venting you need to do it through the chat option. But it seems that your connection will not support the chat. :(

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    lcrest and Profile picture of StephenDMHStephenDMH are now friends 10 years, 3 months ago

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    lcrest and Profile picture of EmersonEmerson are now friends 10 years, 5 months ago

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    lcrest posted a new activity comment 10 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Emerson started the forum topic I'm scared in the group I am.. I haven’t had a good nights sleep in a long time. When I wake up, I never feel truly rested. I voiced this to one of my doctors and she suggested […] View

    @Emerson You may want to talk to your doctor about this. Please be safe and please take care of yourself. Not sleeping isn’t extremely serious but not knowing what is reality and what isn’t is extremely dangerous.

    Please seek help and please take care.

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    lcrest joined the group Group logoBook Lovers United 10 years, 5 months ago

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    lcrest posted an update 10 years, 5 months ago

    I’ve finally started to be able to draw again for the first time in months. I’m pleased as punch about this. I feel like I’m finally beginning to feel like myself again.

    Mood : Calm
  • Profile picture of lcrest
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    lcrest posted a new activity comment 10 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Sparky posted an update I just broke up with my Girlfriend…. I dunno… I felt shitty doing it, but I felt like I had to…. I knew it would happen this way…. My Mum tried to talk to me, but I wasn’t able to respond.. […] View

    It is normal to want to gain control over your situation by staying quiet and holding it all in. Take some time to yourself to calm down but remember that your mom is there for you. You can go to her if you need. Don’t hold this all in as it will just hurt you in the long run. Allow yourself to feel how you feel for now. It will take a while to…[Read more]

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    lcrest joined the group Group logoStaying True to My Religion 10 years, 5 months ago

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    lcrest joined the group Group logoI am a Mormon 10 years, 5 months ago

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    lcrest posted an update 10 years, 5 months ago

    I’m super frustrated at people using “feminist” as a derogatory term. It is not okay to put down and insult women and it is not something that I’ll keep quite about. Yes I’m a feminist. Yes I feel that women and men should be treated with RESPECT at all times. If you have a problem with this then try reversing the roles just once and see how…[Read more]

    Mood : Annoyed
    • hear hear!!! women have been oppressed for so long, and back then if a woman stood up for her rights, she was portrayed as unattractive, seems this propaganda still influences people today.

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    lcrest posted a new activity comment 10 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Josh posted an update It’s going to be my new tradition to get as drunk as possible on valentines View

    Alright. Just be sure to be safe.

    Have a good night.

  • Profile picture of lcrest
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    lcrest posted a new activity comment 10 years, 5 months ago

    In reply to: Tim posted an update Some times it’s difficult to feel alone, I would like to visit my friends but they’re visiting their sister for a month. So I’m here trying to keep myself entertain, that usual feeling that […] View

    If you never take risks you won’t ever find someone. No one likes rejection but it doesn’t have to be devastating or awkward to be turned down. Also, you never know who will say yes.

    You can do it. :)

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