• Profile picture of Cecelia
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    Cecelia posted an update 2 years ago

    He really got me listening to taylor swift at work LOL
    It’s been 12 years since I used to listen to her HAHAHA

    Mood : Loved
    • Oli replied 2 years ago

      Awww, that’s so sweet @invincible, keep listening to music that makes you feel happy, loved and brings a smile to your face beautiful angel Cecelia, glad to see you are doing well sweetie, remember you are truly awesome, incredible and fantastic, stay upbeat Cecelia, you can do it, feel free to inbox me anytime if you ever need to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) <3 (hugs)

    • It’s nice to catch up on old hobbies. It can feel very nostalgic!