• Profile picture of Gillian
    Passing Stranger
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    Gillian posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    so this one group that i call family said i had to stay away from this other friend of mine because they don’t like her, The other friend of mine is trying to keep me away from them because they are making me upset, and she is also going to put a harassment charge on them. The family group keeps mentioning this girls name all the time and i get…[Read more]

    Mood : Worried
    • Don’t stay with or be around people who try to force you who and who not to hang out with. That is 100% your decision to make.
      Maybe their opinions would be valid if they weren’t threatening you, or if they were just looking out for you, but if it’s just because they don’t like this girl, it’s wrong.
      I’d suggest not being or talking with…[Read more]

    • Don’t let people dictate who you can be friends with @allisongillianm, you should be able to be friends with whoever you want without having to be made to feel scared or upset, I would try to talk to someone you can trust about this situation and see if you can find ways to resolve it, hope things work out Gillian, I want the best for you, I’m…[Read more]

    • are you saying this is not threatening

    • thanks

  • Profile picture of Oli
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    Oli posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago

    In reply to: Gillian posted an update i need someone to talk to about something important View

    I’m always here if you need someone to talk too @allisongillianm, message me anytime if you want Gillian, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

  • Profile picture of PinkyMinky
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    PinkyMinky posted an update 9 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the add hunni ^_^ <3 Hope to talk real soon :) If you ever need any help or advice dont be afraid to ask @djdownses

    Mood : Energetic
  • Profile picture of Gillian
    Passing Stranger
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    Gillian posted an update 9 years, 10 months ago

    helping someone with suicide

  • Profile picture of Gillian
    Passing Stranger
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    Gillian became a registered member 9 years, 11 months ago