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    Cecelia posted an update 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Anxiety and Tension as FAMILY is involved. Nervous for him to get involved with mine, and he can’t understand why I criticize his.

    • Getting family involved can have both positives and negatives @invincible, if your family is supportive of your relationship, maybe they can help you find a solution where things work out positively for both yourself and your partner sweetie, but if not, it could just add more drama and make things worse, which you don’t need or want in your life beautiful angel Cecelia, I would only get your family involved if things become really desperate, I’m sure both you and your partner can work things out peacefully and amicably, keep smiling and remember to always keep the lines of communication open and honest in your relationship sweetheart, I only want the best for you angel Cecelia, feel free to inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) <3 (hugs)