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    Cecelia posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago

    Honestly, so tired of you being so damn negative all the time!
    Don’t talk to me unless something is SERIOUSLY wrong or unless you’re in a good mood to chat about whatever.

    In the wintertime, I am most happy and my depression isn’t as bad- so it really sucks when I’m trying my hardest to have a good, positive and motivated day and you and your unimportant bullshit tries to bring me down. You know what that is? Toxicity. Toxic waste belongs in the trash so fix yourself or stay the same and stay away from me :)

    • Do surround yourself with the things that make you smile and bring you positivity @invincible, remember it’s good to help others but take time to look after yourself as well Cecelia, hold your head up high sweetie and spread as much brightness as you can Cecelia, remember you are a beautiful angel who has so much courage inside and out, keep going forward and never give up, happy holidays and always be the fabulous soul that you are hun, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent Cecelia, stay strong, you are never alone :) <3 (hugs)